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Legacy vBPhrases 1.2.0

vBPhrases allows you to view what phrases are being used on your site by replacing the text with the phrase varname.
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Why use, vBPhrases?
Myself as alot of members on here have at time to time wanted to change the text to something on the site. Or maybe you want to add a translation for it. It can get frustrating when you have to try and figure out what Phrase Variable what you are wanting to change is. You would normally have to go to the ACP and click on the Languages & Phrases menu in the left pane. Then you would have to click on Search in Phrases and enter the text you are looking for and click on Find.

This would return a list of all phrases containing any text you typed in. :confused: Now going through that list and trying to find out exactly what you are wanting to change or translate sometimes can be a daunting task, as the list sometimes can be rather large or what you searched for does not show up due to the fact there is a variable in the phrase which is unsearchable. :mad:

Sure you could search and tick the "Exact Match" but, what if a phrase is made up of multiple things like, {1} Threads, {2} Posts, {3} Blog Entries, then it's impossible to search with "Exact Match".

Not anymore, with this mod enabled it will show you the Phrase Variable everything is using on your site. :) It makes trying to find what you are looking for much more efficient and quicker. By simply copying what is shown in-between the ( ) and then searching for that, ticking the option Phrase Variable Name Only in the search form in the ACP / Languages & Phrases / Search in Phrases.

Product Information

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
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