Question Remove Comments

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I'm testing the demo quiz and so far, after a couple hotfixes, it's working fine. I'd like to remove the comments that have been made, how do I go about doing that? I don't see anything on the quiz main page or in the acp to accomplish this. Thanks.

dbtech_vbquiz_comments is the table that stores the comments :)

Thanks for the quick reply Fillip H.. That table does not exist. There are no dbtech_ tables in my db. Is that a Pro feature? I'm still testing on the demo until next Wednesday, thanks.
No, it's not a pro feature, and all DB tables are created in the Lite version. You are probably using a table prefix, try adding the prefix in front of the dbtech_ in the table name :)

No, it's not a pro feature, and all DB tables are created in the Lite version. You are probably using a table prefix, try adding the prefix in front of the dbtech_ in the table name :)

Hello Fillip H.,

I'm not using prefixes. I simply do not see any dbtech tables. My tables are listed below:
- access
- adminhelp
- administrator
- adminlog
- adminmessage
- adminutil
- album
- albumpicture
- albumupdate
- announcement
- announcementread
- attachment
- attachmentpermission
- attachmenttype
- attachmentviews
- avatar
- bbcode
- blog
- blog_attachment
- blog_attachmentviews
- blog_category
- blog_categorypermission
- blog_categoryuser
- blog_custom_block
- blog_custom_block_parsed
- blog_deletionlog
- blog_editlog
- blog_featured
- blog_groupmembership
- blog_grouppermission
- blog_hash
- blog_moderation
- blog_moderator
- blog_pinghistory
- blog_rate
- blog_read
- blog_relationship
- blog_search
- blog_searchresult
- blog_subscribeentry
- blog_subscribeuser
- blog_summarystats
- blog_tachyentry
- blog_tag
- blog_tagentry
- blog_tagsearch
- blog_text
- blog_textparsed
- blog_trackback
- blog_trackbacklog
- blog_user
- blog_usercss
- blog_usercsscache
- blog_userread
- blog_userstats
- blog_views
- blog_visitor
- bookmarksite
- calendar
- calendarcustomfield
- calendarmoderator
- calendarpermission
- cp_admingroups
- cp_admlog
- cp_adtypes
- cp_bidding
- cp_bids
- cp_board
- cp_buddies
- cp_cache
- cp_captcha
- cp_categories
- cp_comments
- cp_currency
- cp_extrafields
- cp_favorites
- cp_feedback
- cp_invites
- cp_ipcache
- cp_iponline
- cp_languages
- cp_laston
- cp_messages
- cp_notify
- cp_paid_subscriptions
- cp_payments
- cp_phrases
- cp_productextras
- cp_products
- cp_searchids
- cp_settings
- cp_sort
- cp_stats
- cp_subscriptions
- cp_usergroups
- cp_users
- cpsession
- cron
- cronlog
- customavatar
- customprofilepic
- cyb_advreg
- cyb_advreg_invite
- datastore
- deletionlog
- discussion
- discussionread
- editlog
- event
- externalcache
- faq
- forum
- forumpermission
- forumprefixset
- forumread
- friendrequest
- galaxia_activities
- galaxia_activity_roles
- galaxia_instance_activities
- galaxia_instance_comments
- galaxia_instances
- galaxia_processes
- galaxia_roles
- galaxia_transitions
- galaxia_user_roles
- galaxia_workitems
- geodesic_banners
- geodesic_cc_authorizenet
- geodesic_cc_authorizenet_transactions
- geodesic_cc_bitel
- geodesic_cc_bitel_transactions
- geodesic_cc_twocheckout
- geodesic_cc_twocheckout_transactions
- geodesic_classifieds
- geodesic_classifieds_ad_configuration
- geodesic_classifieds_ad_filter
- geodesic_classifieds_ad_filter_categories
- geodesic_classifieds_ads_extra
- geodesic_classifieds_categories
- geodesic_classifieds_categories_languages
- geodesic_classifieds_choices
- geodesic_classifieds_configuration
- geodesic_classifieds_countries
- geodesic_classifieds_expirations
- geodesic_classifieds_expired
- geodesic_classifieds_extra_pages
- geodesic_classifieds_favorites
- geodesic_classifieds_file_types
- geodesic_classifieds_groups
- geodesic_classifieds_html_allowed
- geodesic_classifieds_images
- geodesic_classifieds_images_urls
- geodesic_classifieds_logins
- geodesic_classifieds_messages_form
- geodesic_classifieds_messages_past
- geodesic_classifieds_messages_past_recipients
- geodesic_classifieds_payment_choices
- geodesic_classifieds_price_increments
- geodesic_classifieds_price_plans
- geodesic_classifieds_price_plans_categories
- geodesic_classifieds_registration_session
- geodesic_classifieds_sell_question_choices
- geodesic_classifieds_sell_question_types
- geodesic_classifieds_sell_questions
- geodesic_classifieds_sell_session
- geodesic_classifieds_sell_session_images
- geodesic_classifieds_sell_session_questions
- geodesic_classifieds_states
- geodesic_classifieds_transactions
- geodesic_classifieds_user_communications
- geodesic_classifieds_user_credits
- geodesic_classifieds_user_groups_price_plans
- geodesic_classifieds_user_subscriptions
- geodesic_classifieds_userdata
- geodesic_classifieds_userdata_history
- geodesic_configuration
- geodesic_confirm
- geodesic_confirm_email
- geodesic_credit_card_choices
- geodesic_currency_types
- geodesic_font_elements
- geodesic_font_pages
- geodesic_font_subpages
- geodesic_paypal_transactions
- geodesic_price_plan_ad_lengths
- geodesic_sessions
- geodesic_text_badwords
- geodesic_text_languages
- geodesic_text_languages_messages
- geodesic_text_messages
- geodesic_text_pages
- geodesic_text_subpages
- geodesic_version
- geodesic_worldpay_settings
- geodesic_worldpay_transactions
- groupmessage
- groupmessage_hash
- groupread
- holiday
- humanverify
- hvanswer
- hvquestion
- icon
- imagecategory
- imagecategorypermission
- infernoshout
- infernoshoutlog
- infernoshoutsessions
- infernoshoutusers
- infraction
- infractionban
- infractiongroup
- infractionlevel
- ip2country
- iprof_css
- language
- mailqueue
- memberrate
- memberview
- messu_archive
- messu_messages
- messu_sent
- moderation
- moderator
- moderatorlog
- notice
- noticecriteria
- noticedismissed
- passwordhistory
- paymentapi
- paymentinfo
- paymenttransaction
- phpclass_ad
- phpclass_admins
- phpclass_advertisers
- phpclass_banners
- phpclass_block
- phpclass_category
- phpclass_comments
- phpclass_favourites
- phpclass_history
- phpclass_notify
- phpclass_options
- phpclass_orders
- phpclass_packages
- phpclass_picture
- phpclass_questions
- phpclass_regions
- phpclass_selected
- phpclass_service
- phpclass_stat
- phpclass_template
- phpclass_upload_files
- phpclass_user
- phpclass_video
- phrase
- phrasetype
- picture
- picturecomment
- picturecomment_hash
- plugin
- pm
- pmreceipt
- pmtext
- pmthrottle
- podcast
- podcastitem
- poll
- pollvote
- post
- postedithistory
- posthash
- postindex
- postlog
- postparsed
- pp_admingroups
- pp_admlog
- pp_board
- pp_buddies
- pp_cache
- pp_captcha
- pp_categories
- pp_comments
- pp_currency
- pp_ecards
- pp_exif
- pp_extrafields
- pp_favorites
- pp_invites
- pp_ipcache
- pp_iponline
- pp_laston
- pp_messages
- pp_notify
- pp_paid_subscriptions
- pp_payments
- pp_photoextras
- pp_photos
- pp_photoviews
- pp_searchids
- pp_settings
- pp_sort
- pp_sortmemb
- pp_subscriptions
- pp_usergroups
- pp_users
- prefix
- prefixpermission
- prefixset
- product
- productcode
- productdependency
- profileblockprivacy
- profilecomment
- profilefield
- profilefieldcategory
- profilevisitor
- psistats_cache
- psistats_data
- ranks
- reminder
- reputation
- reputationlevel
- rssfeed
- rsslog
- search
- session
- sessions
- setting
- settinggroup
- sigparsed
- sigpic
- smilie
- socialgroup
- socialgroupcategory
- socialgroupicon
- socialgroupmember
- socialgrouppicture
- spamlog
- ssp_account
- ssp_albums
- ssp_dynamic
- ssp_dynamic_links
- ssp_images
- ssp_slideshows
- ssp_usrs
- ssp_watermarks
- stats
- strikes
- style
- subscribediscussion
- subscribeevent
- subscribeforum
- subscribegroup
- subscribethread
- subscription
- subscriptionlog
- subscriptionpermission
- tachyforumcounter
- tachyforumpost
- tachythreadcounter
- tachythreadpost
- tag
- tagsearch
- tagthread
- tb_articles
- tb_banned
- tb_config
- tb_data
- tb_spam
- tb_subscribers
- template
- templatehistory
- thread
- threadrate
- threadread
- threadredirect
- threadviews
- upgradelog
- user
- useractivation
- userban
- userchangelog
- usercss
- usercsscache
- userfield
- usergroup
- usergroupleader
- usergrouprequest
- userlist
- usernote
- userpromotion
- users_grouppermissions
- users_groups
- users_objectpermissions
- users_permissions
- users_usergroups
- users_users
- usertextfield
- usertitle

Also, wouldn't there be a link of some kind that would allow me to delete comments without having to go into a table? Thanks.

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In that case, vBQuiz isn't installed on that forum, as it is impossible for it to run without the database tables being installed.
In that case, vBQuiz isn't installed on that forum, as it is impossible for it to run without the database tables being installed.
This is Fillip correct? If you look over my last post, you'll note that you were given ftp access regarding my last two issues for which you created two hotfixes, which I downloaded that took care of those problems. The last fix you did involved adding answer values to my matching questions, which you did, but indicated you weren't sure that would work, which in fact it did - I really appreciate that.
I've had over 100 tests run on this quiz and everything is working as it should, excepting for the removal of comments. The only thing I need next is explanations for incorrect answers and I know I need the Pro for that feature.
So, yes, it is running on this server.;)
Are you sure you're looking in the right database, and not an older backup of the site before the installation of vBQuiz?

It is 100% categorically impossible for vBQuiz to be running if the database tables do not exist on the server, as everything is stored in those database tables. All the quizzes, all the questions, all the answers, everything.
Are you sure you're looking in the right database, and not an older backup of the site before the installation of vBQuiz?

It is 100% categorically impossible for vBQuiz to be running if the database tables do not exist on the server, as everything is stored in those database tables. All the quizzes, all the questions, all the answers, everything.

Yep, I get that and I only have one db. I ran a search for vbquiz_comments and the search came up with nothing. I'll run this by the admins at the hosting company and see what they come up with. Like you, I know there should be no reason from me to not see these tables and the db I'm checking is not an older back up as far as I can see. I looked at a few of the tables that I know should have recent activity (as of today) and the current info is there.

Other than this miracle of scripting, what about the other part of my question? I'm guessing, based on the coding I checked, that there should be a "delete comments" button visible, for which there is not. As of right now, everything else is working as it should (despite this tables issue). I finish testing on the 15th and I want to remove the current comments before I upgrade. Thanks again!

I've run this by the admins at hosting. Maybe they can find the missing tables.
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I don't know if there's meant to be a delete comments button, I'll have a look as soon as I can :)
I don't know if there's meant to be a delete comments button, I'll have a look as soon as I can :)

I could be wrong, especially since I don't code, but it looks as though this entry in dbtech_vbquiz_quiz_view_comments, might allow comments to be deleted:

<if condition="$can_del_comments">
<a href="javascript:confirm_delete('comment',$quiz_data[quiz_id],$comment_data[comment_id]);" class="vbquiz_delete_rollover" title="$del_comment_txt" alt="$del_comment_txt"></a>

Update: My hosting company provided me additional access info via the control panel and phpmyadmin link, which shows all the dbtech related tables. Apparently the original db access info was changed at some point in time, so the db I was checking, though it has current table entries as of today, is not the db being updated with current tables such as yours. So, with this resolved, I'm still wondering about the delete comments option. Thanks.
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It looks like that link has the same problem as the previous link, I'll get back to you when I've had a chance to go through all the vBQuiz templates and resolve any other issues like this.
Thanks Fillip H.! I really appreciate your efforts with this. I want to deploy pro on the 15th, that's when I stop testing and deploy. Again, thank you.
Sorry for the delay, I've applied a hotfix for this issue to the download here @ DBTech, can you please download the mod from this site and re-import the XML file and see if that works for you?
Thank you Fillip H.. I downloaded and installed. No change, I still cannot see the option to delete comments. Where is this option to be visible? It does not display in the comments section and I don't see the option in the admin panel. On the quiz page there is only an option to add comments. In the menu dropdown, there is no option to delete comments either. Any ideas? Thank you again for your support. I am not having any other issues with this.

I should add that the only update I did was to the product xml (overwrite), I believe that was the only file I needed to update? I uploaded a second time when the disable comments function didn't appear the first time. Again, thanks.
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Just to double-check, are any vBQuiz templates customised in your style? If so, can you please try reverting them?
Can you please double-check the quiz permissions to make sure you have Can Modify Quiz and/or Can Delete Quiz permissions?
Can you please double-check the quiz permissions to make sure you have Can Modify Quiz and/or Can Delete Quiz permissions?

Hello Fillip H., I'm running as admin and have all permissions set to yes.

View source gives me this:
<td valign="top" width="30">
<a href="javascript:confirm_delete('comment',1,1);" class="vbquiz_delete_rollover" title="Delete Comments" alt="Delete Comments"></a>

However, no delete comment option is visible.
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Legacy vBQuiz

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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