
There seems to be a HUGE hole in the vbulletin community and that is with vbulletin/wordpress integration. I don't understand it myself... how could this be so difficult?!

I am aware there is a solution posted at vbulletin.org but it's been abondon and it old and buggy.

If Dragonbyte took this on and released a quality product, the thing would be a VERY HOT seller.

I have 6 projects right now that desperately need this and I am so frusterated with the current state of solutions available.

Please consider this! It's a highly requested mod that is just not there right now!

Please rescue us DBT!!
You know, I'm all for this. WordPress has become huge recently in that it's now encompassing that of a feature-rich CMS as opposed to what it used to be - a blogging platform.

I am pretty confident that at this point in time, it's a viable alternative to Drupal and Joomla. It would be crazy to not consider this as an option.

Mistafro - have you checked both sides of the coin? By this, I mean have you checked WP Extend as well as vB.org?
Omg this can't be true!! Anyone try this out?

Thanks Maximillian2 I've been looking everywhere for a solution and have found nothing but the dead vb.org plugin, this gives me hope once again!
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i have requested a plugin for wordpress to write a entry on wordpress and automatically create a thread on a determined forum. You can choose for example, forum section for each wordpress category...

other function, is that wordpress shows the number of comments on an entry, but it takes the number of comments of the auto created thread on the forum.

simply amazing, i have spend 490$ on it, it is fully compatible with vbulletin 4.1 and wordpress 3.x

if you are interested, i can distribute it for half cost or a bit less. I dont want to earn money, but at least help me to recover the money i have spend to make it better and add new functions :)
i promess i will not give support, but if the programmer update it or add new functions i ask him, i will send you newer versions.
We'd love it if we could, but we've already got about a dozen mods in the queue to be done, so we won't be making one any time soon =(
