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Hello, I am trying to edit the settings of the Instance

but everytime I try to save it, it don't

Like ... I can simply enable a function, save it go back to the settings and its still disabled...

I am running my VB on a windows server running Zend, I don't know if it help..
Are you running PHP 5.3.9 or newer? If so, please change max_input_vars to 10000 or higher in php.ini.
Are you running PHP 5.3.9 or newer? If so, please change max_input_vars to 10000 or higher in php.ini.
It worked, I have a problem too with Top 5 Stats (Info)

It say Top 5 Stats
Loading... Loading... Loading...

... it dont load lol

Edit: same for the Shout... on the message it say Loading...

Edit: vBNotifications is not working on forumhome .. only in forums etc..

Edit: if that can help you.
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Can you try your forum home page on a default (unmodified) style?

You can create one by creating a new skin and not setting a parent style.
Another problem, Places a primary button to visit the arcade on every page. - Yes

I don't see it..


and can I know how the Staff Member display work because there are member that aint staff and its in this list..

Thank you.
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oh and I don't know why but I bought 2 licenses of vBForms.. the first one didnt worked it asked me to check my paypal email and I never received anything so can you refund one....
Another problem, Places a primary button to visit the arcade on every page. - Yes

I don't see it..
This is not a feature of InfoPanels.

and can I know how the Staff Member display work because there are member that aint staff and its in this list..
It considers every usergroup with HTML Markup a staff group :)
This is not a feature of InfoPanels.

It considers every usergroup with HTML Markup a staff group :)

Hmmm registered member have a HTML Markup and its not appearing in staff group.. but anyway all of my group have a html markup, is it possible to change that

and for the first question

Another problem, Places a primary button to visit the arcade on every page. - Yes

That's for the arcade not info panel...
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It's not possible to change that at this time.

I am not the developer of the Arcade mod so I am unable to give support for that unfortunately, please start a support thread in the Arcade forums :)

The refund for the vBForms licence has been processed :)
It's not possible to change that at this time.

I am not the developer of the Arcade mod so I am unable to give support for that unfortunately, please start a support thread in the Arcade forums :)

The refund for the vBForms licence has been processed :)

Oh yea sorry ^^

but your the coder of the staff thing so can you give me a simple fix if I buy the pro version ?

and ty for the refund.
Telling you how to do it would be exactly the same as doing it myself, which if it was that simple I'd just mash it up and release an update tomorrow :p
Telling you how to do it would be exactly the same as doing it myself, which if it was that simple I'd just mash it up and release an update tomorrow :p

Well do it like all of your other mod, you can select like in the usergroup manager an option like Is Staff Yes or No...

simple and will do the job, I just need to put Yes to the group I want to be here :p
We will not be providing these edits outside of the normal update cycle for InfoPanels, sorry.

Please start a new Feature Request thread in the InfoPanels forum if you wish this feature to be included in the consideration for the next version.

As the original issue has been solved, I'm closing this thread :)
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