DragonByte SEO v2.0.28 Released

Fillip H.

Staff member
Hey all,

We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.28 in order to resolve issues reported by the community.

If you like the product you can show your support by nominating it for mod of the month here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB4) - vBulletin.org Forum or here: DragonByte SEO v2 (vB3) - vBulletin.org Forum, and also please rate it to help cancel out the users who 1 star our mods.

Complete Change Log

DragonByte SEO v2.0.28

Changed Features:
  • Links that start with "/" now use the "Home URL" as a prefix rather than "Forum URL"
  • Remote titles fetched now use transliteration if certain characters are not otherwise supported

Bug Fixes:
  • CMS Author (Paginated) would not work as intended

As always, thank you for your continued support!

Discuss this news here.