Bug Donation not showing up but i did receive it on paypal

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Well i just installed this addon.
Set everything up and tried to donate to myself.
The donation went fine but it doesnt count up on earned nor do i see myself as a donator and nothing shows in the donation log but an error (No Results Matched Your Query).
Did you use the test mode? If so, it won't appear. Try searching for it in the database :)
Check the xf_dbtech_donate_purchase_log table for any records there.

Do also be aware that PayPal will need to be able to access your site, so if you have a .htaccess entry, or the dbtech_donate_payment_callback.php file is missing from the root folder or is inaccessible to PayPal, it also will not work.
Does the the dbtech_donate_payment_callback.php file need to have certain chmod permissions?
I will check my .htaccess if there is anything that may possibly block that.
No, standard PHP file permissions will do. As long as your web server can access and execute it just like it can index.php it's fine.
Well i cant imagine any of my .htaccess entry's causing paypal not being able to connect.
I only have entry's to block crawlers/bots and for SEO.

I have found my issue i think.
We need a business account to use IPN that is used for the notifications right?
I thought it was a business account but there was miscommunication between staff.
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To be honest, I don't know. Our PayPal account has always been a business account, so I can't speak for whether Personal accounts work as well.
A business account in paypal is not needed if you are donating with your admin account then it might just be a permission that stops admins from getting the donator group added to themselves
To be honest, I don't know. Our PayPal account has always been a business account, so I can't speak for whether Personal accounts work as well.

A business account in paypal is not needed if you are donating with your admin account then it might just be a permission that stops admins from getting the donator group added to themselves

The paypal account was acting up ... we are now using a different one and everything is working as expected so false alarm.
Thanks for all the reply's and the thread can be closed.
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DragonByte Donate

XenForo 1.5.3+ XenForo 2.0.x XenForo 2.1.x XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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