VBSEO Migration and Vbulletin Questions

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Hey guys, first... just wanted to say how pleased I am to just now discover this product. I have used VBSEO for over 6 years now and sort of just let my site go for a bit... I am about to relaunch a new version of the site and in the process I want to upgrade vBulletin from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3. So I went ahead and updated PHP from 5.3 to 5.6.

I am about to pull the trigger on the pro version and can't wait to set it up, but had a few quick questions.

- Can I upgrade vBulletin from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 WITH VBSEO installed safely? It seems I should be able to with probably a few changes here and there to the VBSEO source files due to PHP bug/compatibility changes... I had to do something similar when I updated a couple of years ago. I know its not your product and you don't support it but wanted to check if you would advise this or not. If not, should I just keep 4.2.2 and install your product first to migrate VBSEO. After migration - I would then uninstall VBSEO and THEN upgrade Vbulletin? If the latter, do I need to downgrade back to PHP 5.3 before I installed your product and did the migration or would that even matter? Because as of now I am running 5.6 with VB 4.2.2 in anticipation of upgrading (since 4.2.3 requires 5.4 or higher)

- AFTER I do the VBSEO=>DBSEO migration, can I then adjust the URL formats using your system AND retain 301 redirects from the OLD VBSEO URLs? So basically just wanted to confirm that your system will create 301 Redirects for the OLD VBSEO urls that I migrate over AND then adjust to a new format using your tools. I'm pretty sure you do but just wanted to be 100% certain since a lot of these links are old and have some good SEO juice. Hope this makes sense and sorry for the confusion ;)

- Another small and less important question... can I rewrite a single forum to use a custom title as opposed to the said forums assigned title? Example would be domainabc.com/f29/dbseo-is-the-shiz-72155.html => domainabc.com/opinions/dbseo-is-the-shiz-72155.html - even though Forum ID=29 title/name is actually "Opinions, Articles and Essays". Or do I have to set a single rule up for ALL forums to abide by?

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- Can I upgrade vBulletin from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3 WITH VBSEO installed safely?
Yeah you can, vBSEO (or DBSEO for that matter) won't affect the upgrade process in any way, shape or form :)
(At least, I've never heard of an installed product affecting the upgrade process)

- AFTER I do the VBSEO=>DBSEO migration, can I then adjust the URL formats using your system AND retain 301 redirects from the OLD VBSEO URLs?
When you import from vBSEO, all URLs that are supported across both mods will be imported, and your URL structure won't change so no 301 redirects are needed.

If you then decide to customise the URLs, in most scenarios DBSEO will automatically create 301 redirects whenever someone visits your old URLs. There are some exceptions to this - it's a bit complex to describe but if you find that problems arise there'll be ways around it :)

- Another small and less important question... can I rewrite a single forum to use a custom title as opposed to the said forums assigned title? Example would be domainabc.com/f29/dbseo-is-the-shiz-72155.html => domainabc.com/opinions/dbseo-is-the-shiz-72155.html - even though Forum ID=29 title/name is actually "Opinions, Articles and Essays". Or do I have to set a single rule up for ALL forums to abide by?
Unfortunately this is not possible, SEO'd forum titles are always constructed from the full title of the forum.
Thanks Fillip H. for the quick support. I went ahead and upgraded to VB 4.2.3 and PHP 5.6 and everything is still working w/ vbSEO. I'm about to purchase DBSEO and going to install, then migrate, then going to finally uninstall vbSEO!

I'll let you know if I run into any issues or will just open a ticket, but I think i'm good from here. Thanks again,

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