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A couple of requests for features:

1) Ability to control number of items in sidebar lists
2) Only count downloads of every file in a particular entry as one download. Some items by their nature consist of lots of small files. Those types of items dominated the "Hot" chart because people download dozens at a time. The chart basically turns into the "List of downloads with the most files in them" chart, which isn't much use to anybody!
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We'll take 1) into consideration, however 2) would be tricky.

Currently, each file has its own set of counters, which are aggregated into a "totaldownloads" statistic. There's really no way of knowing which file is the "primary" file that should be included in the statistics block.
Ah well. Without (2) I'll just have to turn off the hot downloads list. I don't really want a list of "entries with the most files".
There's no way to do that currently, the only way a category is excluded is if the person doesn't have permission to view the category.
No, I know there's no current way to do it. I was looking at editing the SQL query. I found it on the php file, and assume I need to add sort of

WHERE category NOT 7;

Or something similar? My SQL syntax is weak.
In ./vbdownloads.php find
	ORDER BY totaldownloads DESC
Add above
AND download.categoryid != 7
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