Legacy Restrict Colors unless manually added? (or something of the sort)

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Hey there!

Recently I've added the Username Color feature and I was wondering if there was a way that I could restrict some colors being used in the Username Color Item.

For example,


When a User goes to configure their Username Color Item, it allows them to choose any color hex code and any color pre-defined in the vBulletin package. I'd like there to be a way I could restrict some colors being used since my Staff Usergroups have certain colors to signify they're a Staff Member. (IE: Super Moderator has a Blue name, etc.). I would also like to restrict some colors unless they could be manually given by an Admin (this can pretty much be done by making a Username Color Item except for Admins only, and gifting the item would suffice).

Right now I just want an item that works as the Username Color Item does, but has restricted color choices. (Restrictions should be customizable).

Can this happen?
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Feature Requests do not get entered into our ticket system as needing a response :)

I'll flag this as Under Consideration.

Do you have an ETA available for when you'll finish considering some of the suggestions?

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