Legacy Require user to reply with x characters to rate a thread?

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Hmm, easiest thing to do would be to require that they have a post in the thread before they can rate it. Not something we can do on the fly but I think it'd be fairly easy to check that before allowing them to rate next time we do an update to the software. Does that sound good?
How many characters are you thinking about requiring?
I was thinking at least 100 characters. In my case I'm thinking of using the mod to provide feedback on pictures, but I don't want to allow that without actually providing a thoughtful response.

Thanks for responding so quickly.
I don't know if it would be worth the extra processing on the server (extra queries against the db) to look beyond if someone posted in the thread or not. If they're willing to type "ten characters" to get past the 10 character limit then they're most likely willing to type "one hundred characters" and copy and paste until they get the 100 character limit heh.
Yeah I can see how that could get complicated with the current setup. I would be easier, for my purposes, if replying and rating were done while replying. The user wouldn't even have the option to rate a thread without replying, and vise versa.
Question - would the user have to reply before even being able to rate the thread, or can they do both at the same time?
Question - would the user have to reply before even being able to rate the thread, or can they do both at the same time?

They would have to reply first. When they view a thread they will see a message that they must post first. Once they have posted and the thread has refreshed the option to rate will be there. The rating is ajax so the page wont reload again.
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