Question Nothing showing!?

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I am for the first time now trying to set this up. I created a rotating nomination, and for now, just enabled it on one forum. But I am not seeing anything on the postbit. Can someone please help me. Thanks.
Ozzy, that thread was a bit old and not relevant anymore.
Taurus, when you create a rotating nomination it should automatically create a one time nomination. However, since it's your first one for that rotation, it will create it as not active so you can check it over before you activate it. Each new one after that, for whatever timeframe you selected will be created as active.
So do you have an active one time nomination running right now? If you have that and it's setup with the right usergroups and forum, it should be showing. If it's not send me a temp admin account and I'll check it out.
It did not create any one time nominations when I created rotating nominations. I had to create the one time ones separately. I will send you login details now. Thank you.
Hi Dylan, yes it seems to work OK, but as I mentioned in my previous post, when I create rotating nominations there are no one time nominations created automatically like you say. I had to create them manually too.
Did you create 2 of each type of nomination? When I went in there were 2 of each type, 1 active and 1 inactive as if the active were created manually and the inactive by the rotating. When I get home I'll try out the rotating

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I can't find a problem. I go to create rotating and create a Test Nomination. After I submit it the rotating nomination is there and active. Then I go to the current nominations and I see a one time Test Nomination that's inactive and ready to be configured.
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Legacy vBNominate

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