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Have purchased lifetime vBDonate, but still have the message 'Awaiting Authorisation Please check your PayPal email address.' I cannot see where to resend the authorisation email, is someone able to guide me please?

According to our mail server, your mail server powering sales@*********.com accepted our message on Nov 3, 2013 12:41:12 PM. Please check the spam folder for that address, and please ensure you have added * to the spam whitelist for that server.

If you are using BoxTrapper to filter spam, please disable it as it will interfere with automated emails.

Otherwise, please send an email to from sales@*********.com (the sender must match that email address exactly) and your purchase will be unlocked within 1 hour.
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that address is a simple redirector for incoming email. I have tried to email the address given from the same address on my account, but got the following

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>:
host []:
550 No such person at this address"
Sorry, my mistake - I typo'd the address. The correct address is

I apologise for the confusion :(
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