MP3 and/or YouTube in Profile


I was looking over vBShop, which I find intriguing but not sure it fits my forum, and came across this in the description:


It's my goal to have the profile pages on my forum as customizable and interesting as possible. Not having customizable profiles is a big drawback for Facebook, as far as I'm concerned. I want users to have a reason to check out each others' profiles! This is integral in my site not being "just a forum," but also a social/sharing platform.

So, I guess what I'm asking for is a mod that would allow all users to add a link to an mp3 and/or a YouTube link which would play in a sideblock on their profile page. Auto-play would be kind of important, though.

It looks as though you're most of the way there with what's already included in vBShop. Give me auto-play and maybe YouTube capability, and I'd be thrilled.

Thanks for your consideration.
i'll tag Fillip H. to see what issues there might be with auto play etc. In truth it's unlikely we'd make this mod as it' be a hard sell, unless someone commissions it as a custom mod.
vBShop currently has auto-play turned off, but it's not impossible to turn that back on for the MP3s. It doesn't support YouTube videos as of yet, though.