I like your new smilie face.


The one you use on the front page for your articles. It looks familiar, though...


Oh yeah! It's made by a guy on my site! :D

No worries, he didn't copywrite it as far as I know. We call it the :durr: face and it's our mascot. If you want, we can send you one on a mouse pad.


It's also my Twitter picture and our Facebook fan page logo. :cool:
haha it's actually deceptors avatar, not something we use for articles (it's just the last 4 were all him!)

Looks like a slightly different image, IIRC the one he uses is a pretty famous smily that fell out of 4chan ^.^
Interesting! Ah, well. I don't go to 4chan so I had never seen it. We acquired it from a guy who designed it. He's in the Something Awful forum. When I tracked him down I was basically told "do what you want with it". So we adopted it.

I just thought it was funny as I'd never seen it anywhere else.
We at DBTech approve your adoption of that image btw, on account of it being epic =D

Good choice.