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Most of my players are reporting hung games.

What happens is that sometimes the CPU player does not make a move. If the player leaves the page, the game still appears in the "Live Games" list, and the cards that the player was using are unavailable to him for other games.

They can't leave the game because the Leave Match link gives the message "it is not your turn". Occasionally refreshing the page will help, but only sometimes.

So the game remains in perpetual stasis, and the player has lost up to 5 cards because they can't be used while in play in a hung game.

Nearly all of these matches (excepting 4-5 actual live games) are hung matches (about 50 of them and counting):

Is there any way to remove or end hung games? The numbers are mounting up, so what I initially thought was a trivial problem is becoming a fairly serious issue.
It's really weird how your forum is the only one who have issues xD

Could you link me directly to a hung match? I just clicked about 10 of them and they were all ready to be left, so I gave up trying to find one.
It's really weird how your forum is the only one who have issues xD

Sorry! I don't do it deliberately. Though I often think "How can nobody have ever noticed this?" (after all, to be fair, a few of them have been confirmed as issues, etc.)

Could you link me directly to a hung match? I just clicked about 10 of them and they were all ready to be left, so I gave up trying to find one.

Here's one:

As you can see it's the CPU player's turn, but he ain't doing anything!
I think the best way to fix that would probably be to always allow leaving matches when it's a CPU battle.

Not sure how easy it'll be though... I'll have a look once I'm done with vBShout and had something to eat xD

Could you post the exact wording of the error you get when trying to leave a match when it's not your turn? That'll help tracking down exactly where it's happening so I know where to change the code :)
I think the best way to fix that would probably be to always allow leaving matches when it's a CPU battle.

Not sure how easy it'll be though... I'll have a look once I'm done with vBShout and had something to eat xD

Could you post the exact wording of the error you get when trying to leave a match when it's not your turn? That'll help tracking down exactly where it's happening so I know where to change the code :)

It hasn't actually happened to me (I don't get time to play it much!) but various members keep telling me about it. I'll ask then for the wording.
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It's possible the person hasn't clicked Leave Match yet.

Anyway I will look into adding the leave match for hung CPU battles soon, though I am very busy with vBShop so I don't know exactly when I'll have time to sit down with this :(
It's possible the person hasn't clicked Leave Match yet.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. That game's not in the live match list, it's in the historical match list - so it's a finished game, not a hung game.

The issue is that the tournament bracket hasn't updated.
Ah, I'll have to look into that as soon as I have time to investigate these issues then :)
Hey Morrus,

Could you send me FTP and Administration information for your site. It will greatly help me debug this issue! Thanks!
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