Question Do you support DEV/UAT staging environments? Branding


New member
I am interested in purchasing the Social Groups. Per licensing, you need our Xenoforo validation token and Domain. This is set to our production site. We would like to test the add-on to ensure it does not conflict with our custom add-ons and code. If we purchase, can we still get validated for our DEV areas?
You can run it on your dev / staging site without problems, the validation exists purely as an anti-piracy measure as far as XenForo is concerned. The XenForo developers request add-on developers to take these steps.

Our addons don't contain any anti-piracy measures, as they are often only a hindrance to legitimate customers :)
Hello @greencmg,

We hope your ticket regarding DragonByte Social Groups has been addressed to your satisfaction. This ticket has now been scheduled to be closed.

If your ticket has not been resolved, you can reply to this thread at any point in the next 7 days in order to reopen the ticket, afterwards this thread will be closed.

Please do not reply to this thread if your ticket has been resolved.

Thank you.

- DragonByte Technologies, Ltd.

DragonByte Social Groups

XenForo 2.2.x
DragonByte Technologies
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