Legacy DBSEO to pop in Image Alt, and Link Title

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Hi, I have DBSEO installed and all running well. Trying to do some search engine optimisation on CMS pages, and I noticed that there is no image alt tags, along with no link titles. I wondered if DBSEO could add them in.
I'm not sure if Google still looks for image Alt tags, and link titles, as its always changing the way it work, but just wanted to get these features on my page in case they are still used. Obviously it cant invent information, but perhaps to use the info that is already there.

eg for link titles.
<a href="members/sarah-albums-hayling-reunion-2014-a.html" target="_blank">Hayling Reunion 2014</a>

could be changed too....
<a href="members/sarah-albums-hayling-reunion-2014-a.html" target="_blank" title="Hayling Reunion 2014">Hayling Reunion 2014</a>

eg. for image alt's
<img src="attachments/content/attachments/45510d1424349683-hayling-reunion-2015-200px.jpg.html" border="0" alt="" class="align_left size_medium" title="Hayling Reunion 2015 - Hotrod and Custom Show">

Use the image title as image Alt
<img src="attachments/content/attachments/45510d1424349683-hayling-reunion-2015-200px.jpg.html" border="0" alt="Hayling Reunion 2015 - Hotrod and Custom Show" class="align_left size_medium" title="Hayling Reunion 2015 - Hotrod and Custom Show">

I couldn't see this in the options in the AdminCP. Is its possible that DBSEO may have these in the future?

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