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One Small thing when the Enable Navbar Tab is set to determine
whether a new tab should be added to the navigation bar.

vB Suite and the CMS enabled the Forum Analytics is not displayed.

The Good News is that the Forum Analytics tab is displayed when on the other tabs are being used.

I believe it would be better to keep the tab consistent :) and viewable.

Please add Forum Analytics tab when viewing the CMS.
It should be showing. Marking this as a bug. I don't have CMS on my localhost, so if you could PM me the necessary FTP and ACP information to access your site I'll be able to debug this and find out exactly why this is happening.
Alright found the solution. Will fix it in next update. For anyone who wants to hotfix this for themselves in the meantime:

Admin Control Panel -> Plugins and Products -> Plugin Manager -> Find: Product : DragonByte Tech: vBAnalytics (Pro) -> Find: Navbar Link -> Edit -> Change: Hook Location to: global_bootstrap_complete
The hotfix may not have been applied to vBAnalytics1.0.2
I applied it on my vb 4.1.11

Cheers :)
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For anyone who still has this issue please either apply the hotfix yourself or reupload the product XML file. You'll need to download it again as I've just applied the fix. Thanks GoodApples for letting me know about this.
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Legacy vBAnalytics

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
Release date
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