Bug 90% of images not transfered to new gallery

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New member
I have tried many times to migrate from Pfotopost VB Gallery to your Dragon gallery but each time I try the gallery only migrates the medium size imge and not the originals. Upon investigation also I see that the Dragon gallery only has 8,307 images even though it says it has completed all migration. The original Photopost gallery has 85,547 images (albeit made up of thumbs, medium and original images)
Hey, sorry for the delay :(

The gallery will indeed only import one image, as it will generate its own thumbnails etc. Would you be able to give me the details of how your images are stored in your current PP install?

It seems there are approx. 9 million different ways PP stores its images :(
Hi sorry only just seen this I don't seem to have gotten a notification.
Anyway here's the history of the gallery.
The gallery was originally Photopost Pro and bridged withVbulletin 3. In about 2009 the gallery was then migrated to VBGallery (the all enthusiasts version) and at the same time we upgraded to Vbulletin 4 suite. The reason for the migration was that the pro version sucked and was badly written whereas the VBgallery version was naturally good.
We've run the gallery since but I archived it (shut down comments and uploads) as we simply couldn't get bug fixes and patches and the gallery was vunerable.
So the VBgallery version is 3.02
It seems that the album structure is fine and some of the comments are missing, but at the moment the VBgallery directory shows 85,307 files in the main album directory which is /public_html/photos/files
and the dragon gallery says 8,307 files in /public_html/dbtech/gallery/images/upload

Like you said the new gallery builds the thumbs, but the difference is large. I appreciate that PhotoPost galleries are a nightmare for you as it seems that they simply dumped images random, but the old gallery is still in working order. I have tried to import the images again and ticked the box to clear the previous images.
The gallery and vbulletin are hosted on a shared server with WHM and Cpanel with unlimited (well a lot) of disk space and memory.
Can you please give me more details about the method of storage inside the /public_html/photos/files folder - is it in the u/s/e/r/i/d/ format, just a bunch of images with no subdirectories, etc...?
I'm not sure what convention it follows other than users should have their own directory.
Here's a printscreen of the top directory if that helpsvbgallery.jpg

The numbered folders have sub folders
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I think I might run out of subscription before this is even resolved. I left Photopost because of the lengthy days between replys.
I first posted unanswered quieries a month ago and I get a glance reply every few days but no help.
Should I be refunded and call it a day... I can't use it anyway.
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Legacy DragonByte Gallery

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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