unknown location

  1. J

    Bug Who's Online Location Title

    Hi, When a user looks at the vbulletin "who's online" section we get an "Unknown Location" and a long URL pointing to a thumbnail. It would be good if the title was the name of the current gallery and the URL was the section or image there actually at. Below is what we usually see : Unknown...
  2. webi

    Legacy Unknown Location Profile

    Please indicate the correct location in the profile of the user. [img]4991[img]
  3. Nirjonadda

    Bug Who's Online

    Who's Online > Unknown Location /vbdonate.php?do=donate
  4. D

    Bug Some issues...

    Hi @ All! I have a Problem and some questions: 1. My members (and me as the admin) cannot download any file. When i click on the name of a file, coming a vbulletin-System Message "The file is missing from the server." I checked the path, the permissions - all looks OK. When i want to download...
  5. G

    Question Unknown location status on Who's online and My profile section

    When someone visiting Downloads module on Who's online and My profile section the status is Unknown location How to change this to file's section name or download's name?
  6. droid

    Bug Suddenly stopped working - "Unkown location:....."

    Hi! When I woke up this morning I noticed I had a few quote notications waiting for me, so I clicked them as usual, but instead of beeing redirected to the normal page all I see is my own member page and the following message bellow the "Current activity" status: "Unknown Location...
  7. H

    Legacy Unknown Location

    When viewing the thanks stats page, I see: Current Activity: Unknown Location /forums/thanks.php?do=statistics Probably happens for the tagging mod (so if you fix one, please fix both together lol)
  8. Radsy

    Legacy Unknown Location

    in reply to Ozzy47 post in one of my thead ask me to set this to Feature Request When ur in the Who's Online im seeing this in the location is this something that can be fixed Unknown Location /vbdownloads.php?fileid=4&do=file Unknown Location /vbdownloads.php?do=file&fileid=5&zip=1...
  9. G

    Legacy Unknown Location in Who's Online

    Various vBA pages all show as "Unknown Location" in online.php. That's just sloppy and ugly. How about naming them properly?
  10. Force

    little addon I made

    Here is a little addon I made that removes that unknown location you get in the online members for this program http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbecommerce.php?do=product&productid=22 should also work for the lite version
  11. djFarsang

    Legacy Unknown Location

    I wanted the page of "online.php" display true activities and have no words "Unknown Location" as below. Unknown Location /dbt_rq.php?do=stats /dbt_rq.php?do=answer /dbt_rq.php?do=answer&type=friends /dbt_rq.php?do=answer&type=online /dbt_rq.php?do=answer&type=specific
  12. K

    Bug What's going on: Unknown Location /credits.php

    Hello, when I open the "What's going on" page and someone is browsing the Credits-Page i see written in bold letters: Location unknown /credits.php How can I change this to something different? e.g. Viewing Credits Best regards Kesandal
  13. yotsume

    Question Default Select Receive Notifications?

    I have a few questions: 1. How can I change it so that all members will automatically receive notifications when a question has been answered about them? 2. Where is the place where users can submit questions to the admin? 3. The WOL shows "Unknown Location". How can I fix that?