
  1. H

    Question Where to place the .htaccess file?

    Hello, i have vbulletin + cms, where the CMS is installed in the root and the forum in the dir / forum. The .htaccess file where I put it? in the root or in the / forum? Thanks for support
  2. J

    Question Root Redirects to DBSEO

    I have a little problem from redirects at .htaccess in the root directory to forum directory. DBSEO is installed in forum directory so DBSEO rules are implemented into I have a .htaccess in my root domain with this rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^noticias/$ /foro/2_noticias/...
  3. dilldogs

    Question Homepage and forumpage button Problems

    Why when I enable DragonByte SEO and I go to the homepage and I click on the forum tab it stays on the homepage? I turn off the SEO it works fine. Is there another setting for this? I added the code to the .htaccess file and uploaded it to the root. I cant tell you what IM doing wrong. I...