
  1. P

    Legacy Needs scrollbars

    just starting trying this one out. right offhand ive noticed, the hover box automatically hides the lower content?? this should be scroll bar on there.....i tried applying overflow:scroll a few places but didnt see a change.... EDIT: FIXED also, i noticed it does not work globally or if...
  2. M

    Question Installation Problem

    Hi, Had a similar problem with uploading SEO with you guys kindly sorted for me - forums/dbtech/forumtabs/includes/class_install.php appears to be missing! Ive double checked and all the files are in the correct places. The above happens when I try and upload the product. Please advise. Thanks.
  3. 9

    Question username as verification tool

    Using vBSecurity, we're going to reset all passwords. Users will be sent a mail asking them to change their passwords, using a link: /forum/login.php?do=lostpw&email=$email with $email being replaced with the users email address. Are there places in the software (both vBulletin & vBSecurity)...
  4. Alan_SP

    Legacy Page to show all hashtags that exist at the moment for easier subscriptions to them

    As I mentioned here: it would be much easier if users could see all existing hashtags at some moment and then choose to which of them they want to subscribe. I think the best way to do this would...