
  1. neogeo

    Question Is possible use AdvancedPostLikes on Mobile versión?

    I'm wondering if AdvancedPostThanksLikes addon could work in Mobile-style-theme of vB 4?
  2. M

    Legacy Support mentions in mobile api

    vBulletin Mobile 1.14 Mentions are not displayed
  3. J

    Bug Blank pages in mobile style

    Hello. In default mobile style, profile and friends pages are not shown (blank pages). When i disable the mod, everything runs fine. The console shows: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).textinput is not a function at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous>...
  4. Alan_SP

    Legacy Cookie Control doesn't work with default mobile style

    I just noticed that cookie control doesn't work on Main Mobile Style. I have three skins, dartho's alternative mobile style and main style work just fine (I see cookie control). But, for some reason I don't see it on Main Mobile Style. I need to force this style for mobile users to make site...
  5. M

    Question Obscene size of shoutbox

    Hello, As per popular member request, I purchased & installed the Pro version. One of my members has bitterly complained about this plugin's incompatibility with Mobile devices. Specifically nwith how it appears when looking through a mobile phone. How do I help him remedy this?
  6. Bullmama DeLano

    Bug forum.php redirects to home page on Firefox and Mobile Style

    Very strange, but cannot get forum.php to work on firefox and mobile style from firefox all lead to the home page. Works on IE, safari and chrome.....? Could this be a cache issue? Thanks
  7. Fillip H.

    [XenForo] DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Beta 7 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte Shout v7.0.0 Beta 7 for XenForo in order to bring the product closer to feature parity with the vBulletin version. If you like the product you can show your support by reviewing it here: [DBTech] DragonByte Shout v7 [Lite] | xenForo Community or here...
  8. cionfs

    Cookies product

    Hi! I've a question about Cookie Control. Is compatible with mobile version? Regards
  9. Fillip H.

    DragonByte SEO v2.0.6 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing DragonByte SEO v2.0.6 in order to add further features to the alerts system added to a previous version of DragonByte SEO. There are now alerts to notify you if you have not yet fully enabled the Google Analytics integration in DBSEO. Completing all the steps allows...
  10. G

    Bug Category navigation is missing in mobile style

    Hello, with dbseo addon enabled there is a bug using the mobile style. The navigation layer, that usually appears when clicking on the thread title (showthread.php) and is used to get back to categories above, is gone. This layer is generated by vbulletin-mobile.js. Maybe there are some...
  11. T

    works wih tapatalk or vBulletin Mobile Suite?

    Hello, tried to find out - if your Gallery and Advanced Post Thanks / Like mod works e.g. with tapatalk or vBulletin Mobile Suite? Does it work? e.g. with tapatalk or vBulletin Mobile Suite? Cheers, Tom PS - Sorry if I did not find your answer in the past. Pss - And sorry for my bad English ;-)
  12. Fillip H.

    vB Optimise v2.6.3 Released

    Hey all, We're releasing vB Optimise v2.6.3 in order to make a change to the "Resource Saving Statistics" page; the graph no longer uses Flash to display its data, rather a more compatible JavaScript solution powered by ChartJS. If you like the product you can show your support by nominating...
  13. T

    Question Some members can't see this mod

    Great job on the mods here! Any reason why some members would have no problems, while other don't see the Thanks / Like feature at all? I have cleared cache. Rebooted database. I think I have all permissions and settings set correctly, but perhaps not. I have confirmed they are not...
  14. Q

    Question Advantage Registration Lite and Mobile Version

    Hello guys. On the mobile version of my site (with Advanced Registration active), the "sing up" function doesn't work. If I click, I get redirected on the registration page but i get a blank page. Is there a way to disable the plugin on thedefault mobile version of vbulletin? Thanks!
  15. Nirjonadda

    Legacy Mobile - Friendly

    Please can you add Support for Mobile Usability?
  16. A

    Bug vBulletin Mobile Template

    I'm sorry but I have a problem. When someone, tries to login via vB 4 mobile template, he gets an error, that this content is not supported via mobile. Also, he can't do anything else, he can't login, everytime this error, even when he goes in I think that this is the...
  17. A

    Question How to get this working with Dartho's Lightweight style? Also, bulk discount?

    Hello, I just bought the Pro version of this mod (lifetime), installed it on my forum, and I like it a lot. Question #1: How can I get this working on my mobile forum style? I am using this: Lightweight Style for Small Screen Devices (cell phone, iphone, mobile, android) - Forum...
  18. ar15dcm

    Question Doesn't work with the mobile theme ?

    I am trying to understand why this product does not work with the mobile theme? Now those users cannot register unless they are at a PC. If there is anything posted in the product description, I do not recall seeing it. When will there be compatibility with the mobile themes?
  19. P

    Question Guest Page Cache + Mobile Detection

    Hi! As part of a mobile theme I have some logic in plugin form that determines whether a user comes from a mobile device and then shows the mobile theme (instead of the desktop version). if (!$vbulletin->options['forumops_mobile_groups'] or is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(','...
  20. J

    Question This Product isn't working on Mobile

    How do we get this product to work on Theme Forest Metro Mobile version Forums - Metro Mobile - A Mobile Theme for vBulletin 4.2 | ThemeForest ? It works on the Theme Forest Primus Style for desktop.