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  1. neogeox

    Bug Redis Problem

    Thanks, this is just what I needed to know
  2. neogeox

    Bug Redis Problem

    "By choosing "None" vB Optimise will have no impact on your forum." That means that selecting NONE would be the same as not having installed vBoptimise addon?
  3. neogeox

    Bug Redis Problem

    We come from here (I cant reply there): Today I installed REDIS as you suggested and happens the same than others: Filecache: After (+ or -) 5 minutes and created +500 entries and with + o - 10mb size... the memory and files...
  4. neogeox

    Question Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    The email don't say nothing technical yet, only inform about the new system analytics 4 will change the universal analytis. Changing Account ID might work but I'm wondering if these featured options from vboptimise will work: track external links tracking breakdown anonymize user id tracking...
  5. neogeox

    Question Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    Hello! all of us have already received an email saying that Google will replace the classic Universal Analytics (UA-) for the new Analytics 4 (GA4-) 🤷‍♂️ 1- We have to change something in vB Optimise: SEO - Google Analytics Integration? (see atached picture) 2- Or simply changing the...
  6. neogeox

    Bug Flush Cache Problem

    In this case, what would be better for the server/speed/performance? 1) Continue using this FileCache (creating hundreds of files until 70 seconds and deleting everything and start again writting/reading/deleting every minute) or 2) Select NONE cache (No writes/reads/flushing any files)...
  7. neogeox

    Bug Flush Cache Problem

    Dosn't matter if I use Filecache (/dbtech/vboptimise/filecache) or APCu: Always every 1 or 2 minutes the cache is flushing automagically and start again... like a bucle There is any way to stop flushing the cache every few minutes? I would like to flush every X hours
  8. neogeox

    Bug Problem with (Pro) Forum Display Query Enhancement

    Changing the execution order worked, no errors are displayed, but now the paginations has disappeared :/ I hate vB! By the way, Is there much difference in terms of speed/load between having (Pro) Forum Display Query Enhancement enabled or disabled?
  9. neogeox

    Bug Problem with (Pro) Forum Display Query Enhancement

    MySQL Version : 10.1.48-MariaDB Note: vBoptimise works correctly with (Pro) Forum Display Query Enhancement activated, but crash when active the other addon (requiring forumdisplay) that I really need working.
  10. neogeox

    Bug Problem with (Pro) Forum Display Query Enhancement

    I have a conflict with a code and a cache feature of vBOptimise 2.7.1 I've noticed that If I deactivate the feature (Pro) Forum Display Query Enhancement on your addon everything works well, but if this feature is active then I get a Mysql error. I think is related with your "hack" for...
  11. neogeox

    Bug wysiwyg_css.js NOT found

    Turning off the "(Pro) CDN WYSIWYG CSS Fix" feature solve the problem. Then I tried to modify the existing wysiwyg_cdn_css template, I changed this line <script type="text/javascript" src="dbtech/vboptimise/clientscript/wysiwyg_css.js"></script> for this one <script type="text/javascript"...
  12. neogeox

    Bug wysiwyg_css.js NOT found

    I'm getting this error in the browser console: It's from a template called wysiwyg_cdn_css and inside there is this code <script type="text/javascript" src="dbtech/vboptimise/clientscript/wysiwyg_css.js"></script> Seems like it's trying to get a .js file, where can I found this file? I...