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  1. San

    Bug shout box keeps loading

    Ohh nice, I'll do that thank you..
  2. San

    Bug shout box keeps loading

    Copy that well in the mean time I'll shut down DB Optimise, Shout box comes first lol. Thank you for finding out the issue. Just hope you can find away to fix it. ;)
  3. San

    Bug shout box keeps loading

    Sorry I removed Auto-Display Shoutbox to Disabled it's back on
  4. San

    Bug shout box keeps loading

    upgraded to DragonByte Shout v7.1.0 now when I set Auto-Display Shoutbox to Disabled and set <!--XFSHOUT.instance1--> to any template. I get the loading in the shoutbox seen here. Files are set to CHMOD 777
  5. San

    Question XF Shout support bbcode for the sticky?

    Does XenForo shout support bbcode for the sticky message? I'm asking because, I just can't seem to get it working lol.
  6. San

    Bug Shout logging a ton of errors

    Thank you Fillip.. ;)
  7. San

    Bug Shout logging a ton of errors

    Yes sir, ErrorException: Undefined index: dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize - library/DBTech/Shout/Shoutbox.php:818 Generated By: Unknown Account, 3 minutes ago Stack Trace #0 /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/library/DBTech/Shout/Shoutbox.php(818): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined...
  8. San

    Bug Shout logging a ton of errors

    I really don't know Fillip, when I log in to admin panel they are there. I updated to xf 1.5.6 and I am not getting as much as I was with 1.5.5 but still getting them.
  9. San

    Bug Shout logging a ton of errors

    Ohh there is a update for XenForo 1.5.6 let me update and see if that helps.
  10. San

    Bug Shout logging a ton of errors

    Notice a jump in errors after updating to XenForo Shout 7.0.0rc6 There spamming my error logs. ErrorException: Undefined index: dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize - library/DBTech/Shout/Shoutbox.php:818 ErrorException: Undefined index: dbtech_vbshout_invisiblesettings -...
  11. San

    Bug Server Error Logs

    I have been getting these error for some time now, hopping they would been dealt with last update but I still getting them. Here are the error's ErrorException: Undefined index: dbtech_vbshout_shoutboxsize - library/DBTech/Shout/Shoutbox.php:427 ErrorException: Undefined index...
  12. San

    Question Duplicated Shout Box on the forum page or Home

    Ahhh I over looked that option!! Sorry a bout that.. ;)
  13. San

    Question Duplicated Shout Box on the forum page or Home

    I wanted to place the shout box on all templates so I used PAGE_CONTAINER Template. So I can I turn off the main shout box that is auto set to the forums?
  14. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Thank you Buddy!! ;)
  15. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Yep your all set this time.. I am sorry about that! ;)
  16. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Sorry, ok I have set all privileges think this time.
  17. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Note: I do think its the shout box messing the DB too.
  18. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Ok your all set now, I had to turn off all the addons and it went. Should be good to go.. Well I hope! ;)
  19. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Hmmm look's like my DB might be corrupted somehow and I just installed it lol.
  20. San

    Question Adding DragonByte Shout to a template

    Sorry About that every time I try to add you Im get this error: Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column 'last_note_viewed' in 'field list' I'll look in to it an see why this is happening!