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  1. reeshe

    Hide Hack

    The thanks like hack here does most of that. Advanced Post Thanks / Like - DragonByte Tech | vBulletin Mods & Addons It doesn't have the hide-reply. Would be a great addition to it IMO.
  2. reeshe

    Questions regarding renewal of products

    Ok thank you
  3. reeshe

    Questions regarding renewal of products

    My forum is vb4 and I need to renew my licenses to a couple mods and I'm a bit confused on the latest options. Replacement Licence: Advanced User Tagging (vB5) -- Receive updates for vb5 for 1 year? Dual Licence: Advanced User Tagging (vB5) - --Receive updates for vb4 and vb5 for 1 year...
  4. reeshe

    Legacy Some feature requests

    I hit the "thanks" button for a post and the nominate option disappeared. I had to refresh the page. I agree with gary about the OP being the only person in the thread to be eligible for thread nomination. Good job these look so much better.
  5. reeshe

    Question Sublinks?

    I thought this was an option that when the tab is pressed it changes the submenu without redirecting the page. Makes sense that didn't work because it isn't designed to LOL. Thanks for your help.
  6. reeshe

    Question Sublinks?

    sent and thank you
  7. reeshe

    Question Sublinks?

    No i'm speaking on the highlighted sublink tab and the links underneath. sublink 1 sublink 2 sublink 3 thanks for quick response
  8. reeshe

    Question Sublinks?

    I'm having an issue getting sublinks to work. I confused about how the tabs to show when pressing the correct tab WITHOUT leaving the current page. If I leave the url blank it automatically makes it the index page. I'm trying to do what is shown in the image below. Hit the tab and it brings...
  9. reeshe

    Legacy Requirements to become "live"

    Would it be possible to have this activate for a "hot topic"..lets say something with X many replies in X amount of time? Admin sets the thresholds by preference. If reached the topic could become live. I see there is a min. reply requirement but this still allows old topics to remain "live"...
  10. reeshe

    Bug Database error when trying to update forum settings

    I assumed that but didn't want to break Thank you that worked perfectly.
  11. reeshe

    Bug Database error when trying to update forum settings

    Ran that..Now i get this one: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `dbtech_ajaxthreads_cannotmanualupdate` = '0' WHERE forumid = 51; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dbtech_ajaxthreads_cannotmanualupdate' in...
  12. reeshe

    Bug Database error when trying to update forum settings

    When trying to update my forums for usage: Database error in vBulletin 4.1.10: Invalid SQL: UPDATE forum SET ### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ### `dbtech_ajaxthreads_cannotautoupdate` = '0' WHERE forumid = 51; MySQL Error : Unknown column...
  13. reeshe

    Legacy Some feature requests

    OMG these are so much better dylan. I can't wait for them to be complete.
  14. reeshe

    Bug Admin CP Doubles

    Not really a big deal but I thought I should report this. After upgrading my forum and shout box to latest versions I get double buttons in the admin CP. I tried reinstalled shout but it didn't change it. Both instances of the doubles do the same and seem to function properly.
  15. reeshe

    Legacy Hiding criteria

    Thanks and Yes I know that LOL...I know its designed more for the like/dislike functions but since it does "hide" I thought it would be a good addition. Thanks for considering. :)
  16. reeshe

    Legacy Hiding criteria

    I use this mod along with hide hack Resurrection. I mostly use this one for the dislike button and the custom button. I would really love to get rid of the Hide hack Resurrection altogether but its important to my board. Getting rid of it isn't an option until I find a suitable replacement...
  17. reeshe

    Legacy Moderation Notification

    Ok thanks for considering
  18. reeshe

    Legacy Moderation Notification

    I would like the notification bar to notify moderators and admins when Items need attention...such as moderated post, members and reported post. Thanks and keep up the great work :)
  19. reeshe

    Legacy Badly needed shop feature

    This is a great idea.