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  1. J

    Question Pay Credits for using Downloads ?

    Hello, how can I configure VB Credits to allow to deduct X Credits from the Account of a user ? Edit: I mean for the Downloadaddon, NOT attachments! Thanks
  2. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Hello, just installed the Addon and wanted to look at the settings but all I get is white pages and this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'vB_Api' not found in /***/***/***/forum/core/admincp/thanks.php on line 23, referer: http://www.***.***/forum/core/adminc...=******&do=nav Domain and paths...
  3. J

    Can't buy Addon

    Hello, I wanted to buy "Advanced Post Thanks / Like". But Paypal won't let me pay you. The support said it is due to some payment-recieving restrictions you set up. But I didn't get any details. Can you please get in Contact with me, ASAP. kind regards
  4. J

    Bug One User is getting massive Credits | - Die Uncut Community That one User gains massive loads of credits. But he never did anything. Why is he getting so massive loads if credits but other users which are heavily active get nothing ? edit: just to clearify. Other users too. But on this one it is...
  5. J

    Legacy NPCs needed

    At the moment there no NPCs whats'o'ever. They are heavily needed to give the game at least a bit a flair. Also there need to be some different kind of NPCs Item Shops Plain Text (inkl. randomized texts and dependable on diverse points like "max achieved level of a monster", "having a monster...
  6. J

    Question Show Achievements as popups ?

    How do I show new Achievements and stuff as those small Popups like on this site ? Was one of the mainreasons I took that addon :)
  7. J

    Bug Missing Navbar Links & Memberlist Bug

    Hello, on 4.2 there are no links to the Creditssystem or to buy more credits. Also the Memberlist shows the sortbutton instead of the credits of the user. regards edit: Someone got awarded twice for registering: vor 42 Minuten, 12:52:53 Welcome theking2502 Earned 102,00 Blut vor 43 Minuten...
  8. J

    Bug Profile Color not taken from Design

    Profil: Exportforce - | - Die Uncut Community The Addon does not take, or take the wrong, the color for that box under the tab "Activity"
  9. J

    20% higher price then offered + Questions

    Hello, I was about to buy Credits II and maybe the RPG but when I went to paypal I was asked to pay +20% This shocked me extremly. I never ever in my paypal-time I had to pay any extra fees. Could I please know why this is happening ? This is kind of false advertising for me =/ Also I see this...