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  • Users: iraqiboy90
  • Content: Threads
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  1. iraqiboy90

    Question Font size and defaults

    Hi I want to edit the default font size and the selectable fonts sizes on the chatbox. i.e. 10px, 12, 14, etc.
  2. iraqiboy90

    Legacy Notifications on two tabs

    Hello There is a feature that lets me enable a separate tab for the notification, such as for the new threads or new replies. Now, if there is a separate tab for it, why would the notification also show up on the main chat?
  3. iraqiboy90

    Bug Moderator Chat Access not working

    Sorry, found the setting for it. You can delete this one.
  4. iraqiboy90

    Bug No auto update in PM tab

    Hello Just noticed this as well: When sending message through PM chat. When both users are on the PM tab, it does not show any new chats from the other user until action is done, i.e. switching though tabs or sending a reply. More specifically, it's happening like this: - User1 sends PM to...
  5. iraqiboy90

    Bug Invite bug and Character issues

    Hello Another issue: When a user creates a new channel and then invites, two tabs appear to the invited user. One with channel name and the user inviting, and one with the channel name only. The tab with channel name and user name disappears after browser refresh. This tab alone also shows up...
  6. iraqiboy90

    Question Default Settings for all users

    Hello I've noticed quickly that when I enabled the sound through the admincp, the sound didnt get enabled pr user. So I had to go into the usercp in order to activate it. Is there an option to "set" the option on all users at the same time? If not, and I assume this would have to be done...
  7. iraqiboy90

    Bug Shout Sound stuck in interval

    Hello In reference to this closed 2 years old thread I'm using Firefox and it's the same issue.
  8. iraqiboy90

    Question Light/Dark popup?

    Hi I'm using a dark theme on my website, so I tried to edit the popup box that shows up after clicking the number amount. While I was trying to edit the css, I stumbled upon some css names which says ui-tooltip-dark and ui-tooltip-light Does this mean that there is somehow an option somewhere...
  9. iraqiboy90

    Legacy A popup userlist for Compact Display Style

    Hi Like mentioned above, on the title. Clicking on the numbers pops up a list, with time of when users clicked on thank/like. Clicking on the icon, does the normal action. regards
  10. iraqiboy90

    Bug Post content refreshes on clicks

    Hello This "bug" is specially annoying when watching a youtube video linked in the post. When clicking the like/thank button, the post seem to refresh, causing the youtube player to stop&rewind. This thing has been always there, but since I now bought it, it seems more appropriate to report...
  11. iraqiboy90

    Legacy Promotion/Action on certain clicks recevied?

    Hello How do I make a user getting promoted/demoted or have an action done to him when receiving an amount of button clicks of a button of my choice? And to make it even more advanced; The above, but EACH post. regards