Recent content by Zangoose

  1. Z

    Bug Disabling mentions in a specific forum

    Hey, Thanks for replying - That has done the trick and is now all working! Cheers,
  2. Z

    Bug Disabling mentions in a specific forum

    Hi all, I'm trying to exclude the tagging "mentions" from two specific forums but every time I take the ticks out and click save. When I go back, it has them ticked. Is that a bug or something I'm doing wrong?
  3. Z

    Bug VBShop AJAX

    Hello, This is currently happening all skins including the default skin. We've had a problem wherein AJAX has stopped working on our VBShop. The purchase button isn't adding to cart, and the category "tabs" aren't working. When you click on them for example, nothing happens and nothing...
  4. Z

    Bug Not mentioning the correct users?

    Hey again, Sorry for another thread but just came across this issue. If a user tags the following: @maggots @meloneeze. Then it would not mention that actual specific user with that name, they have linked and mentioned the users: magg and melo I'm pretty sure it used to work - Is there a...
  5. Z

    Bug Mentions break for user names with 3 characters

    Hey, I work on a forum that uses the lite version of the plugin and users with three characters have problems where the mentions simply do not work for them. It does work now and then and will also start working again if I disable the plugin and I re-enable it but then it starts breaking for...