Recent content by tsptom

  1. T

    Login supplement

    I have other, non VB pages on my website that have login requirements, but it seems confusing to users, especially if they used different UID/PW for the different areas. I'd pay for a useable VB4 mod / hack that allows me to use VB login on other non VB pages of the website.
  2. T

    Question disable down ranked post

    I can't seem to find where to disable it. I'll keep looking but if someone sees this, I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!
  3. T

    Question Notifications when liking a post

    Has this been addressed yet? Users get notification after they Like a post? Old thread... Is there an option / setting to turn that off? Thanks!
  4. T

    Bug Prev / Next Links in Blog

    I posted this in an old thread last week but it must have gone unnoticed.... The prev / next links just keep you in the same blog post. Modest rebound - Blogs - TSP Talk Forums Prev takes you here... Modest rebound - Blogs - TSP Talk Forums Next takes you here... Modest rebound - Blogs -...
  5. T

    Bug Blog post url

    I apologize if you don't want an old thread resurrected, but I have the same issue... The prev / next links just keep you in the same blog post. Modest rebound - Blogs - TSP Talk Forums Prev takes you here... Modest rebound - Blogs - TSP Talk Forums Next takes you here... Modest rebound -...
  6. T

    Question Some members can't see this mod

    It seems to have started to work for almost everyone now. Is that a cache thing? Thanks for your assistance!
  7. T

    Question Some members can't see this mod

    Here's my members discussing it... Includes survey: Can you see the new "Like" buttons? Comments: New "Like" Feature Installed - Poll This mornings remarks are showing at least some folks who were having issues yesterday, are now seeing it. Could it be just a matter of giving it time? I...
  8. T

    Question Some members can't see this mod

    I checked the "Can click" box for all registered users. The others I left blank. Is that correct?
  9. T

    Question Some members can't see this mod

    Great job on the mods here! Any reason why some members would have no problems, while other don't see the Thanks / Like feature at all? I have cleared cache. Rebooted database. I think I have all permissions and settings set correctly, but perhaps not. I have confirmed they are not...
  10. T

    Legacy Live Feed Permissions Change

    I'll be happy to be the guinea pig. :) FYI, Valter's Advanced Forum Stats mod, the new VB Activity Stream, and DigitalPoint's Spy mod already incorporate this feature.
  11. T

    Legacy Live Feed Permissions Change

    By the way, I cannot use this mod, lite or pro, without this feature and I assume anyone with private forums would be in the same situation. I don't know if that helps with the prioritizing it but I plan to be a buyer of the pro version if/when this feature is in place.
  12. T

    Legacy Live Feed Permissions Change

    Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum. I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot...
  13. T

    Live Wall Feed View Permissions

    Currently the LiveWall shows the post content to usergroups who have View permission to a forum, even thought they don't have View permission to the thread within the forum. I wouldn't mind seeing the thread title in the feed without the post content for forums with "Can view forum" and "Cannot...