Recent content by sgcaution

  1. S

    Bug Upgrade error

    Everything looks great! Thanks!
  2. S

    Bug Upgrade error

  3. S

    Bug Upgrade error

    Doing the second bit helped clear the errors with first bit. The usergroups bit still has that error. And we still see *[dbtech_security]* drop down which errors to: And apparently I am the only one who can see the plugin at all but I have no option to make sure the other usergroups can see it.
  4. S

    Bug Upgrade error

    We do not have any form of malware detection on our host.
  5. S

    Bug Upgrade error

    Our host says that software is not installed on our environment.
  6. S

    Bug Upgrade error

    We upgraded the plugin to latest version and now we are having a few errors happen involving the plugin. In the ACP area when we try to select any option other than Settings we get this error: Class 'DBTech_Security_Application_Core' not found on line 48 in /forum/admincp/vbsecurity.php #0...
  7. S

    Question Shoutbox Display error

    We are having an issue with our shoutbox not displaying correctly. Our webhost recently updated to PHP7 and we found that our shouts weren't actually sending after the update. We were hoping an update to the plugin would fix but it seems to have changed how its being displayed on the forum...