Recent content by RedFive

  1. R

    Question Migrating Likes to XF

    Thanks for the help. Here's the updated query for 2.2 INSERT INTO xenforo.`xf_reaction_content` (content_type, content_id, reaction_user_id, reaction_date, content_user_id) SELECT 'post', dbt.contentid, dbt.userid, dbt.dateline, post.userid FROM vBulletin.`dbtech_thanks_entry` AS...
  2. R

    Question Migrating Likes to XF

    Hello, I have an old subscription to your Thanks / Likes product on vB 4 (it's very popular on my forum btw - thanks!), and we're now considering migrating to XenForo. XF seems to have a version of Likes functionality inbuilt, so do you have a script available that would transfer data gathered...
  3. R

    Bug Could not find phrase 'dbtech_mail_subscription_confirmation_title'

    So, I've set up a test campaign and managed to send myself a message! But I have a problem. When I subscribed myself to the list I got an email called "Could not find phrase 'dbtech_mail_subscription_confirmation_title'." containing the body text as follows: <html dir="" lang="">Could not find...
  4. R

    Bug Multiple issues after upgrade to 4.2.2

    Since you fixed the database tables and the related corruption the profile tab has again started showing the thanks received. THANKS!!! BTW, there may have been no likes in the table you referred to but there were a number visible in the notifications menu - they must use different views of the...
  5. R

    Bug Multiple issues after upgrade to 4.2.2

    Firstly, thanks for your continued help with this. Much appreciated! No tables have been manually altered at all and I'm unaware of anything that might have caused an issue with database structures. I can confirm the unlike button is now working as expected. I've asked for staff to like a test...
  6. R

    Bug Multiple issues after upgrade to 4.2.2

    Thanks for your help so far. I've taken a look at the forum now and it seems that we're still getting new Like notifications showing up in the menu but not on the profile tab. For example, my profile still only has thanks from 1st April. The other thing is that we can't use the unlike button...
  7. R

    Bug Multiple issues after upgrade to 4.2.2

    We had a working install of this product until we upgraded the forum to vb4.2.2 and imported the Likes from vbSEO (which as now been removed). Since then I've upgraded the Post Thanks / Like to the latest version 3.2.5 pl2, I've repaired the cache and run all of the maintenance tasks (which...