Recent content by Nimrod

  1. N

    Question Moving to XenForo - Rewrite rules to carry over

    Hello Good Sir! :D I guess the main thing is the Thread URL's. at present the setup is like: I just want to convert it on the fly taken the Thread ID and putting it into XenForo Format. We're using the out the box format for XenForo (nothing custom yet... but hey if DBSEO came across I'd...
  2. N

    Question Moving to XenForo - Rewrite rules to carry over

    Hello all :) Has anyone had any experience using DBSEO on their vBulletin forums but then migrating over to XenForo? We're looking to do this with a relatively middle sized board; and while we are all ok with the data imports, theming etc; we are quite concerned about SEO etc. Has anyone does...
  3. N

    Question Google pushing HTTPS Higher - Best solution?

    Personally, I'd like to think instead of just setting this thread to answered and leaving it to die just because in some hosting enviroments it's not as fast as speedy isnt great to be honest :( A lot of big sites and forums use Cloudflare anyways that offers SSL and SPDY so the impact of SSL...
  4. N

    Question Google pushing HTTPS Higher - Best solution?

    Hello :) So I read this News Article: Google is pushing sites that use HTTPS higher in its search results - Neowin Just wondering, what's the best solution to this? At the moment my DBSEO setup always redirects to http:// (though using Cloudflare, we do have HTTPS). I'm guessing I could change...
  5. N

    Legacy Adsense Optimization

    Hello DBSEO Team, Just a quick one really, we noticed over the past 6 month's or so since installing DBSEO that our Adsense revenue has been on a rather big decline. This could be for many many different factors, (like we know as a whole gaming sites don't seem to be doing as well in 2014 on...
  6. N

    Question Removing site name from Title in Google Results

    Hello :) Just a quick one, I'm not sure (but I think) it's related to DBSEO. Is there any way to remove the site title from Google Results? See at the end of every title - Digiex. It's using valuable space and not really needed. I've tried crawling through all the settings without much luck :s...
  7. N

    Legacy Edit Meta Titles / Descriptions of posts

    Hi, Im wondering if it would be possible to add the ability for forum Administrators to manually edit the meta / title on posts? We have a section in our forum where guides and tutorials are posted and i would like to be able to edit the meta title and meta description of these guides so they...
  8. N

    Legacy More 'Official' rewrite rules for non-Apache Web Servers (IIS, nginx etc)

    Sounds promising, demand is growing as DBSEO sales have been growing, time will tell of course. Though expenses shouldn't be anything (besides time spent) as IIS is included in any Pro version of Windows which I'm sure someone at DBTech must have (plus I still got that Azure instance that you...
  9. N

    Legacy More 'Official' rewrite rules for non-Apache Web Servers (IIS, nginx etc)

    Just a quick general feature request - It would be nice if DBSEO out of the box provided 'official' and confirmed working / perfect rewrite rules for non-Apache webservers. I know a few members have done their own attempt at converting them to IIS or nginx or other web servers, but to have...
  10. N

    Bug Still concerned, URL's have changed in 1.0.10

    Just wanted to say thank you, I upgraded to 1.0.11 and enabled the Legacy Forum URL option and everything seems to be working perfectly :) Checked our top 30 URL's from Google Analytics and the URL's are sound and not changed, and importantly the forum URL's no longer present errors and work as...
  11. N

    Bug Still concerned, URL's have changed in 1.0.10

    I've read that and while I understand some people may have had an issue, I've had no problem in the 5 years I've been using VBSEO and now DBSEO with regards to this 'possible collision'. Infact now breaking links when they worked before has done more damage to those not affected. I appreciate...
  12. N

    Bug Still concerned, URL's have changed in 1.0.10

    Morning, After the disastrous update to 1.0.9 which resulted in /a/a for all our forum URL's I held off and downgraded back to 1.0.6 which was stable for us. Seeing 1.0.10 come out and fix the bug looked promising so I went and updated. However we then found a lot of URL's still changed...
  13. N

    Bug Inplace upgrade from 1.0.6 to 1.0.9 resulted in /a/a for every forum!

    Managed to do an inplace downgrade to 1.0.6. Can we please arrange some testing/debug of 1.0.9? Some major bug got introduced somewhere and skipped past testing :/ I know Apache is tested from our previous discussions, but an IIS installation is really easy on a windows computer and would help...
  14. N

    Bug Inplace upgrade from 1.0.6 to 1.0.9 resulted in /a/a for every forum!

    Got a bit of a major issue, I upgraded from 1.0.6 to 1.0.9 and it resulted in every forum URL breaking. Examples: Where's it use to be...
  15. N

    Bug Threads/Posts - Attached Images stuck 'Loading'. Doesnt affect inline attached image

    False alarm, my fault. I was on 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 was released! Updating to 1.0.5 fixed this issue.