Recent content by Jens Heitzmann

  1. J

    Question Pay Credits for using Downloads ?

    That sucks... Thought the addons might have those, for you, simple to implement things in :(
  2. J

    Question Pay Credits for using Downloads ?

    Hello, how can I configure VB Credits to allow to deduct X Credits from the Account of a user ? Edit: I mean for the Downloadaddon, NOT attachments! Thanks
  3. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    ... wow f-word... damn
  4. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    ... doh... cuz thats the feature i am in need... and it reads for me (and others who linked me to that addon) that it's missing in light... is there any eta ? because without that I can't really start
  5. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Yes missing in light. I got pro. But HOW does that work ?
  6. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Is this a "problem" of the Mod or something I could have fixed ? Also: How to use the Hide-Features?
  7. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Password updated to the known one
  8. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Okay, now another problem.. I can not activate the "Thanks" Button. Every other option seems to save. Also how can I use the hide function ?
  9. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    It's not me doing the URLs... It's being set by VBulletin and not by me. I got redirected from the install to there and thus went there and not to any other url. Yes connecting to the AdminCP via URL without /core/ works... They REALLY need to work on it -.- thanks
  10. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    PHP Fatal error: Class 'vB_Api' not found in /***/***/***/forum/core/admincp/thanks.php on line 23 It's a fatal error... a class is not existant... no matter what user also in post one... aaaand to be super specific since it doesn't matter that I say everything that runs over that file...
  11. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    *sigh*... Sometimes I ask myself why I ever post any details... http://www.***.***/forum/core/admincp/thanks.php?do=EVERYTHING&s= All that goes over that File... As posted in my first post Sorry if I am not so super happy atm but this problem persists, before problems with the purchase...
  12. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    RE Installed the mod, still nothing but the mentioned error. Forum is still live.
  13. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    as you can see if u go onto it, its open
  14. J

    Bug Not able to do settings

    Hello, just installed the Addon and wanted to look at the settings but all I get is white pages and this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'vB_Api' not found in /***/***/***/forum/core/admincp/thanks.php on line 23, referer: http://www.***.***/forum/core/adminc...=******&do=nav Domain and paths...
  15. J

    Can't buy Addon

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