Recent content by janklerks

  1. J

    Bug "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1)

    Thanks. TBH I wasn't really looking forward to trying to explain how our code edited and pushed out to all 12 servers, since we don't use FTP :)
  2. J

    Bug "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1)

    We found the issue. or, at least a work-around. From one of our moderators: I edited the dbtech_thanks_postbit_entries_actionbit to this: <span class="dbtech-thanks-button-control"<if condition="!$show['_cannotseeclicks']"> data-contenttype="$contenttype" data-button="$button[varname]"...
  3. J

    Bug "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1)

    I reverted the templates, same problem. (they just hide some headers and boxes we didn't care for).
  4. J

    Bug "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1)

    Update: The integration through Tapatalk does work. I was able to successfully "like" a post using it. I wonder if this is some javascript issue with vB 3.8.11...
  5. J

    Bug "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1)

    Sorry, should have been more clear. I receive no errors or warnings in the php error log when the button is clicked. The same thing happens with "compact" style.
  6. J

    Bug "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1)

    "Thanks" clicks not working after vB Upgrade (3.8.11) and PHP upgrade (to 7.1) Upgraded PHP to 5.6 on the forums, and the forum software to vB 3.8.11 (beta). I also went ahead and upgraded the "Thanks" addon to 3.6.3. The upgrade itself crashed due to a modification of the...
  7. J

    Legacy Support for 3.8

    I noticed in your announcement about Cookie Control that you were working on a version for 3.x, Do you have any ideas as to when that's going to be available? Google has a firm compliance date of September 30, 2015 for adsense, and I need to have something in place by then. Thanks!
  8. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    ok, after a day of running, everything is looking good. I haven't seen any queries related to to the addon in the slow query log in the last day, which is good news! :)
  9. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    Ok, apparently something went wrong with the initial build on entrycache. I thought it was a little weird that every row had the same BLOB size of 6 bytes, and all it contained was: a:0:{} I didn't quite notice it at first because I was so focused on sorting out the queries. A few users...
  10. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    Yep, that ran just fine. 0.00 sec with SQL_NO_CACHE mysql> explain SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE contentid, contenttype, data FROM dbtech_thanks_entrycache WHERE contentid IN(31375124, 31375490, 31384856, 31386816, 31429366, 31430728, 31442868, 31444234, 31787740, 32130814, 32134788, 32156708, 32157978...
  11. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    Nope, didn't seem to help at all. HOWEVER! All the numbers are integers! I put quotes around all the integers like so: explain select contentid, data FROM dbtech_thanks_entrycache WHERE contentid IN('', '31375124', '31375490', '31384856', '31386816', '31429366', '31430728', '31442868'...
  12. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    3,621,997 rows in entrycache. The table was created as innodb. I converted it to MyISAM on a whim, but that didn't help. I tried throwing a few example queries (like the one above) at it, and they still aren't using the index, even if I tried to force it to use the index. We're running...
  13. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    10 days is about 275k for us. :) What are the chances something like that can be cached in memcached with vboptimise? Thanks for all the hard work you're doing to help out the bigger forums! Hey, one more question: What are the chances of changing the mysql query to using mysql_slave...
  14. J

    Bug performance issues on big-boards with lots of thanks/likes

    dbtech_thanks_statistics: # User@Host: USER[USER] @ [] # Thread_id: 87737136 Schema: DBNAME Last_errno: 0 Killed: 0 # Query_time: 7.465718 Lock_time: 0.000338 Rows_sent: 20 Rows_examined: 158 Rows_affected: 0 Rows_read: 158 # Bytes_sent: 59445 SET timestamp=1395444520...