Recent content by dev101

  1. dev101

    Bug Issue where users can view quotes from private sections on other users' profiles.

    Thanks a lot, it's working now :D Greatly appreciated.
  2. dev101

    Bug Issue where users can view quotes from private sections on other users' profiles.

    Hello again Fillip H., thanks for the update. The update was installed but there now seems to be an issue where all quotes and mentions appear to be hidden on most or all public sections for all users. The only quotes I was able to see in my own profile were when I quoted someone/was myself...
  3. dev101

    Bug Issue where users can view quotes from private sections on other users' profiles.

    Hi, this is regarding DragonByte Tech: Advanced User Tagging (Pro). I have an issue on the forum where there is a help section with the following permissions for registered users: Can View Forum: Yes Can View Thread Content: Yes Can View Others' Threads: No This section is mainly for reported...