Recent content by DaveXLD

  1. D

    Not planned Need to manage subsribtion to digest independantly

    Hi Fillip, The issue here is not the availability and feasability to stop to receive the digest. I agree with you it is possible to unsubscribe easily. The issue is that you are subscribed by default to the digest newsletter. It is clearly not GDPR compliant which asks for an opt-in and even a...
  2. D

    Not planned Need to manage subsribtion to digest independantly

    Hi, Currently, when a user chooses to not receive by email any news and updates from the website, he receives anyway the digest. It is not GDPR compliant. When choosing at 1st to receive nothing, members should not receive the digest. As proposed by Snoopy5 here...
  3. D

    Pending Inactivity reminders emails - Add new users selection criteria

    Hi, I would like to have more users selections options for Inactivity reminders emails. It would be great to allow to select users like it is done for digest newsletters. The main criteria I need is the registration date. For reference purpose ...
  4. D

    Bug "Thread Go To Post URL" why this 301 redirect?

    Hi, Thanks for your answer. OK I understand but I would like to have the links on #1, #2,... exactly like the redirection is build. It will avoid to have so many 301 redirections seen by google bots. How can I setup DBSEO in order to have the original links on #1, #2,... like they are...
  5. D

    Bug "Thread Go To Post URL" why this 301 redirect?

    Hi, I have launched a SEO audit of my site and I have discovered a lot of 301 redirection in my forum. By looking into this in details, I have discovered that the issue is in my forum threads pages. The URL generated to go to the posts suchs as #1 , #2 , #3 ... are generated by my forum this...
  6. D

    Bug Recent Entries setting does not work

    Hi, I have tried to change the default setup of 30 days but it does not work. Whatever I choose (more or less) it seem that the parameter is hardcoded at 30 days. Thanks David
  7. D

    Bug Double Canoncial Link in Showthread

    Great, thanks Fillip H. for your support and the continual optimization of DBSEO. Really happy you have decided to suggest an alternative to VBSEO! Please continue this way :) David
  8. D

    Bug Links show error

    Hi all, I have exactly the same issue I never had with VBSEO : Some external links display error messages like : "301 Moved Permanently" "403 Forbidden" The links are working well, it is frustrating and not user friendly to see an error message. VBSEO displayed the title meta tag content and I...
  9. D

    Bug Double Canoncial Link in Showthread

    Hi, Juste upgraded to 1.0.15, I confirm I have also the double canonical link in my source code. I hope it does not affect SEO... Kind regards David
  10. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi Fillip H., I do not know but, in terms of SEO, my point of view is that, even by having a sitemap, Google will determine the position of the URL in terms of depth. It is here that archives has a sense by making the pages a better place, less in depth compared to the home page. I am not a...
  11. D

    Bug Problem with Sitemap

    Hi all, I jump into the discussion due to an issue. I have build my sitemap manually and I have seen that all the xml.gz files have been correctly generated in the store_sitemap folder. I have submit each one... manually in GWT. But my understanding is that I should submit the index file which...
  12. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have to trust you now than I have choosen DBSEO to replace VBSEO. ;-) OK I have deactivated archives but I have some points on which I would like to have your opinion. I do not think because I had the following setup in VBSEO concerning Archives : Rewrite + 301 Redirect Archive Pages...
  13. D

    Question Archive options

    Hi, I have purchased DBSEO today in order to migrate from VBSEO. I did the migration right now in my production environment and it seems to be OK. BUT I have seen that my archives thread links are not rewritten the same way than when browsing normaly. My fear is to have duplicate content due...