Recent content by Clarice

  1. Clarice

    Bug 'Always use Forum URL as Base Path' causes errors on load

    I've already done that. The issue I'm having is with any sort of subdomain being attached before the main site name.
  2. Clarice

    Bug Tabs not notifying of new Shouts

    Hey guys, back again with another issue... hoping this one will be easier than the last! For the longest time, when users would switch to a non-default tab in the shoutbox and post a shout there, the tab would "light up" (change color), and other users could know there was someone talking...
  3. Clarice

    Bug 'Always use Forum URL as Base Path' causes errors on load

    Worth noting that we're running the pro version, I'm just not the site owner and as such don't have paid-section account access here. This is an issue I started to notice yesterday after installing vBSSO, and I'm pretty sure it has to do with needing to turn on an option in vB's settings called...
  4. Clarice

    Bug Become an "Active User" when switching shoutbox tabs

    After upgrading vBshout on our forum, we've now got the version which has the little green "Activity Status" light next to the "shout" bottom on the bottom-left corner of the box. vBShout used to show a user as active if they were PM'd, quoted in a thread, mentioned (DBT Adv. User Tagging), etc...