Recent content by blandt

  1. blandt

    vBShop name change

    How do I change vbshop phrase ? I want the vBshop to be named something else ... say.... The mall ?
  2. blandt


    Any Xen site for dragon-byte yet ? :D
  3. blandt

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    Then I think you don't even know what your issue is :D That's what the log is saying "bad gateway error 503". This is to say that the problem is not limited to vboptimize. The problem is you need to update APC and memcached along too ... Have a read here ...
  4. blandt

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    Bad gateway is nginx error for bad FastCGI. cannot connect to fpm basically. I have also noticed that it doesn't happen right away, meaning after I turn on VBop. the forum runs fine ... but after few clicks, replies and goofing around for a bit nginx stops passing php properly hence the error...
  5. blandt

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    PHP 5.3.3 should be shipped with a packaged fpm , and I beleive that's where your problem is coming from. On a test VPS I get bad gateway error when VBoptimize is on (APC, or memcached) with php 5.3.3. When VBoptimize is off no problems rolled back to 5.3.2 VB Optimize works just fine and the...
  6. blandt

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    hmmm weired ... I have no problems so far .... but i'm running vb4
  7. blandt

    vbO 3.0 beta "fetch cache" broken

    ctrlbrk You need to configure php.ini to use APC, xcache etc .. It depends which cache you want to use. for memcache make sure you know which port it's running on and it's enabled at the VB config.php run this at the command prompt : ps -A | grep memcached If it's working you will get its...
  8. blandt

    hello all

    Yes I'm looking into XenForo ... I'll be watching ;)
  9. blandt

    PHP 5.2.0 alternative?

    Cent OS Your priority should be to get rid of this old system. Try ubuntu instead, Documentation and help is outstanding ... That's the way to go
  10. blandt

    A suggestion for the PRO

    Can we have control over the text style for the status? And also the number of characters allowed is very limited which makes the status wrap around .... I would love to have control over that as well Thanks
  11. blandt

    guest cant thanks?

    Perhaps if you redirect the guests to the sign up page when they try to thank or like :d .... Just an idea
  12. blandt

    I would love to have LiveTopic like mod

    In theory you are probably correct. BUT I would think if the forum gets heated, and the crazies start refreshing over and over trying to "win" their argument, AJAX makes loads of sense ... Any way looking forward to see it in action :d
  13. blandt

    I would love to have LiveTopic like mod

    As you guys may know LiveTopic is only available for 3.5+ none for 4.0+ For those who do not know what Live topic is : it's a mod that refreshes the page With AJAX so users will see a post as it's submitted without refreshing the page. great bandwidth and resources saver for a busy forum night...
  14. blandt

    Ok I got a suggestion to add to your products

    Sounds good .. sort of a project manager if you think about it ... get people synchronized
  15. blandt


    Perhaps you should advise people that the tagging mod is interfering with custom similes ? Great mod though, I hope we get a patch soon, I'll be buying the pro when the issues are fixed Thanks