Recent content by alfreema

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    Question Notification in Current Tab and Setting Question

    One more question. My log is filling up with this error over and over ... any thoughts? PHP Notice: Undefined variable: receivedUserInfo in /opt/[...]/core/packages/dbtechthanks/api/thanks/button.php on line 527, referer: ShockerNet Wichita State Forum ... Anything I could try to do/edit...
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    Question Notification in Current Tab and Setting Question

    Couple of questions about the plugin. When a user clicks Like (or Thanks), it generates a private message with the title of "New Likes Received". When I open that there is a link to go to the content that was liked. That opens in a new tab. Is there any way to configure it so that it opens...
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    Question vBulletin4 upgrade, installation instructions and missing counts

    Not sure if this is how I continue the thread or just a request to reopen the thread, but I wanted to follow up on how we solved this. The scenario: We have a vb4 instance that we want to upgrade to vb5 and it uses the DragonByte Thanks/Like plugin. These are the major steps. There...
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    Question vBulletin4 upgrade, installation instructions and missing counts

    So I did a select distinct varname and they were exactly the same, so the problem wasn't there. So when I looked at a post that should have lots of thanks and likes on the new system, it shows a postid of 23955. But on the old system it was 741423. Nooooooo!!! :) At some point the vb4...
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    Question vBulletin4 upgrade, installation instructions and missing counts

    Turns out you just need to logout of the AdminCP and then log back in after installing the plugin, then that menu option magically appears. You might want to mention that in the installation instructions after running the product_dbtechthanks.xml (if you can recreate that). With the menu...
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    Question vBulletin4 upgrade, installation instructions and missing counts

    Background --- Hi, we are attempting to upgrade our existing production site (ShockerNet Wichita State Forum) from vb4 to vb5 on a brand new server. The test site is Forums - ShockerNet Wichita State Forum. It took some deep diving to get the new site up using HTTPS, but we got it working...