Recent content by acyk

  1. acyk

    Question vB Optimise shows

    After forums upgrade to vB Optimize 2.5 , it shows error message as following: warning: Only Variables should be passed by reference in .../vboptimise/core/class_vboptimise.php on line 486 screenshot url as following : Can you help me to solved...
  2. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    thanks for your help , ok, let me install the english version for you . And I am going to purchase vBActivity & Awards Pro and install it first . I will PM you the message while I am done the installation.
  3. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    Dear Fillip H. I am just happy for few seconds because I found that my version is 2.0.1 :eek: and I think maybe these is something wrong with my download , so I download again from the custom area , and re-install it again . it is the same situation , no thanks button area after the post...
  4. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    Dear Fillip H. Do you mean this page ? I have try everything to put it work but I don't have the button like yours
  5. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    dear Fillip H. I am not mean to bother you , but although it is in Traditional Chinese version Am I download the wrong version ? because no matter how it did , there is no thanks button below my postbit_legacy even I just paste the code into posbit_legacy <div class="posthead">...
  6. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    Thanks , Fillip H. but I do have super administrator permission on this site so I have those option on sidebar this is the setting page for button please help me , thanks
  7. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    dear sir thanks for your help I can't find this setting in my version here is my setting so after I ran all the script It finally shows value here , but it still missing the buttons I like yours , it's fantastic ! pls show me how to make it work ,thanks oh , by the way , my...
  8. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    thanks , let me try it first I will keep you posted . thanks
  9. acyk

    Question Can't find thanks button and no data on database

    DEAR sir I need your help first question is after I import the thanks hack data from 3.x system, there is no value from there but here I can show how many people thanks to this post , and there is no thanks button like the yours. what should i do next ? and last one , I am going to...