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Can someone please tell me:

On this site, when you are logged in, at the top right of the page you see these options:

My Profile Settings Log out

But, on my site at you see:

Notifications My Profile Log Out

- Now, the question is why has this site not got the option 'Notification's showing up when my site is showing it?

- Likewise, why has my site not got the option 'Setting' showing up when this site is showing it?

On this site DBT is running a notifications mod, that's why no notifications at the top of header.

I would assume you mean notification setting in usercp, again that is the notification mod.
I am also going to buy the Notifications mod, so, are you saying after integration that my site will also no longer show 'Notifications' at the top of the Header?

And, the 2nd part was why is my site not showing the 'Settings' option whereas this site is?

No if you have the mod installed it will no longer show the notifications at the top of the site.

The settings option is for the mod, not notifications in default vB
so you mean like on this site, where you have the Notifications mod installed, when I do this, 'Notifications' will vanish at the top of the site right?

And, the 'Setting' option, you say it is for the mod - which mod? Is it the 'Notification' mod? Not with you?
so you mean like on this site, where you have the Notifications mod installed, when I do this, 'Notifications' will vanish at the top of the site right?

And, the 'Setting' option, you say it is for the mod - which mod? Is it the 'Notification' mod? Not with you?

Yes it is DBT'S Notification mod that has that setting.
No on the homepage settings option is controlled by vbulletin software not the mod.

Notification settings in usercp is from the modification.
Thanks. On this site i can only get to your Notication mod's settings via the 'Settings' option - this is how it is right?

So, are you able to tell me how i can put the option 'settings' back on my site? i mean I'll need this on my site also to to be able to access your Notication mod's settings after integration, right?
Thanks. On this site i can only get to your Notication mod's settings via the 'Settings' option - this is how it is right?

So, are you able to tell me how i can put the option 'settings' back on my site? i mean I'll need this on my site also to to be able to access your Notication mod's settings after integration, right?

overhere You can get to the notifications by clicking on the notification, or by going to your profile.

The settings option is missing at the top of your site due to the custom skin's maker did not add it when he designed the skin.

You should get a Quote and Mention notification so you can see how it works.
thanks, when you speak about getting to the notifications mods settings, this is for after we have added your Notification mod right?

Re: "Quote and Mention notification" - where are these mods available?
thanks, when you speak about getting to the notifications mods settings, this is for after we have added your Notification mod right?

Re: "Quote and Mention notification" - where are these mods available?

Yes that is part of the notification mod
Thanks. On my profile at my site I already have the option 'Mentions'. So, once i add your Notifications mod, you mean the option 'Quotes' will automatically appear?
Quotes tab will appear on the profile page once you install the mod, the actual quoting of the posts it's self if built into vB already.
Thanks. When you see the Profile Hover pop up, in there one of the bits you see is 'Credits'. Does this only appear (and work) in Profile Hover if the module 'vBCredits II Deluxe' is installed (whether applicable to a specific member or not), or, does the bit 'Credits' appear any way as part of the latest version of Profile Hover?

The same goes for the Facebook page bit in Profile Hover - please tell.
Thanks. When you see the Profile Hover pop up, in there one of the bits you see is 'Credits'. Does this only appear (and work) in Profile Hover if the module 'vBCredits II Deluxe' is installed (whether applicable to a specific member or not), or, does the bit 'Credits' appear any way as part of the latest version of Profile Hover?

The same goes for the Facebook page bit in Profile Hover - please tell.

The "credits" part will only show up with vbcredits II Deluxe is installed (as otherwise there are no credits). Dylan will be able to give you an answer on the facebook page part when he is next online =)
The facebook page is just a user profile field that is displayed in the popup. It's not an automatic generation of the users facebook connection if that's what you are thinking.
so how do i get PH pop up page to show my facebook page/link, for example, via the PH pop page of my profile on this site? Where do I have to enter my FB details for it to appear on the PH pop up page for other to see?
so how do i get PH pop up page to show my facebook page/link, for example, via the PH pop page of my profile on this site? Where do I have to enter my FB details for it to appear on the PH pop up page for other to see?

Here it's a custom user field, so you just go to edit your profile in the UserCP and it will show on the popup. On your site, add a custom user profile field and then put the fields id in the custom fields settings of profile hover.
Thanks for that. Please tel me this: as a logged in member, under 'Settings',n on the left side under My Account you have these options:

Edit Connections
Permission Groups

Are both these options VB features or are they a part of one of your mods?

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