Question import issues and 'click thanks to see attachment' issues

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ive installed this product, and as soon as i can get it going will buy the pro version, but i have run into problems. the forum uses the abes 7.78 thanks system, and i have tried for hours on end to import the existing thanks, and failed. I have also tried to get it set up so that people need to click 'thanks' in order to see attachments, but also failed.

After spending 8 hours yesterday trying, im either missing something so blindingly obvious that its simply being overlooked, or i have completely misunderstood the instructions. im on the verge of paying to get it all sorted out if i cant do it today

could you please post how i should proceed after running the import script, and how i should configure things for attachments to show only after thanks has been clicked

thank you for your time
Are you receiving any error messages during import?

If not, please double-check the dbtech_thanks_entry database to see if it has the number of entries you expect.

If it does, please try running the Recalculate, Rebuild Statistics and Rebuild Button Click Cache maintenance entries.

If it does not, please try running the Rebuild Statistics maintenance entry, then try the import again.

If neither of these things resolve it for you, please PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account, and I'll resolve it for you :)
no errors were reported, it ran through pages of 'processing' before returning me to the screen to run the script

i am unsure exactly how to check the database, would you mind taking a look if i supply the details youve asked for

EDIT: i have PM'd you the details requested, at the moment, the script seems to be running very slowly after i clicked the rebuild statistics tab and ran it again, a few are saying skipping and some saying processing, and members are starting to see 'new' notifications as they are browsing, so at the moment im not sure if its going to complete or not
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it now seems to be running, but very slowly, and randomly stopping. and i then need to refresh the page for it to continue. it then has roughly 50% skipping and 50% processing, before moving onto the next page. it will run for 2 or 3 pages (of 250) before needing refreshing and waiting again

a sidebar plugin says that the existing thanks total is around 16.5k, so i assume that once that many have been processed, and the new postbit matches up with the existing postbit thanks info, that i can then stop refreshing the script?
This could be due to PHP timeouts. Can you please make sure display_errors has been turned on in php.ini so that any error messages are not being hidden by your server?
after refreshing the page each time it crashed, it eventually stopped showing things like below

Skipping: 8725
Skipping: 8726
Skipping: 8727
Skipping: 8728
Skipping: 8729
Skipping: 8730
Skipping: 8731
Skipping: 8732
Skipping: 8733
Skipping: 8734
Skipping: 8735
Skipping: 8736
Processing: 8737
Processing: 8738
Processing: 8739
Processing: 8740
Processing: 8741
Processing: 8742
Processing: 8743

and told me the import was complete, and to run maintenance, which looks to have sorted things out, some members have slight differences, but its onle a few, up to about 15, with some people having thousands of thanks, i dont think this small amount is really an issue :)

next, i need to work out how to only show attachments after the thanks button is clicked
This won't affect old posts, but if you set the "Default Button: Attachments " setting to Yes for the Thanks button, it should default to requiring thanks to see attachments :)
Do bear in mind that usergroups set to bypass button click requirement won't be affected, and also your own posts' attachments will not be hidden. Lastly, as mentioned before, old posts will NOT be updated to reflect this.
i have this setting for every usergroup

Can Bypass Button Click Requirement : No

I have also set the default for attachments as stated.

Test posts by myself, and forum users live posts still have attachments instantly available without needing anything to be clicked

should any of the 'Can require click' boxes be ticked?
Ah, yes those boxes also need to be ticked for the usergroups that you allow posting content.
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