Bug Shoutbox upload failed

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New member
To whom it may concern,

With the permission from the lead administrator I assisted him with the upload of files for the DB-Tech shoutbox on his server for the vBulletin website, upon the installation process threw the plugin & products section of the admin panel it loaded all the tables within the database but gave me a internal-500 error. I can see the tab where the shoutbox setting features would but but ended up as a line of coding in it and could not access anything for the shoutbox.

I ended up uninstalling the shotbox threw the same place I have uploaded it at but it seems the tables did not delete in the database and now having troubles uploading this product and to get it fully working on the website. Is there a fix for this kind of issue or would this just be a "operator" error?

-Thank you
Hi there,

Could you please check your server's error log for more information? Unfortunately I cannot assist without the real error behind a 500 Internal Server Error.
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Legacy vBShout

vBulletin 3.8.x vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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