Bug Invite bug and Character issues

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Another issue:

When a user creates a new channel and then invites, two tabs appear to the invited user. One with channel name and the user inviting, and one with the channel name only.
The tab with channel name and user name disappears after browser refresh.
This tab alone also shows up when saying no to an invite.

As you see from the above picture, a username with the "&" character gets messed up.

Character issue sample two:
Channel names with space:
character issue.PNG

The character issue also shows up on the invite popup message.

Though Channels created through the admincp does not have the character compatibility issue.
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Btw, everything is set to UTF-8
In config.php
In AdminCP Language settings
In DataBase:
character_set_client utf8
character_set_connection utf8
character_set_database utf8
character_set_system utf8
collation_connection utf8_general_ci
collation_database utf8_general_ci
Because of the character issue, some other features are not working:

- Prune user chat when user has a non-numrical/letter characters makes the shoutbox reply with "user not found"
That is an unfortunate limitation with AJAX and UTF-8 on vB3/vB4 (vB5 seems to have solved this problem), there's nothing I can do about it, sorry :(

The AJAX-based username features such as slash commands do not work with UTF-8 characters at this time.
So if I want to prune someone's chat, I have to change his username if it contains special characters?
So I bought an almost 100$ plugin that has some technical limitations because it was not fully developed for vb4`?

I really would like if you find a way to get this bug fixed....

and what about the double tab issue?
If you PM me with an FTP and AdminCP account, as well as the info for an account affected by this issue, I can look into whether I can resolve this. I can't guarantee I can resolve the issues with special characters, though.
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