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New users are unable to register with the product enabled.

If I have the product enabled via the product manager but have it disabled in the general settings as in this pic, general settings.png
I get this error when submitting the registration form =>complete registration.png error with mod disabled.png

With the product disabled via the product manager all works as it should.
This issue exists because a check for whether or not the product has been enabled before executing code is missing.

Fillip H. will look into a fix when he sees this thread.
I've uploaded a hotfix to /dbtech/registration/hooks/register_addmember_process.php that should fix this issue.

Can you guys try that new file from v2.0.1 and let me know?

Once all the issues in v2.0.1 have been resolved I'll push v2.0.2 as a rollup update :)
So it now works with the mod disabled in General settings.

However, with the mod fully enabled users are still unable to register. When the button is pressed to "Complete Registration" you do not get the message that an email has been sent to verify, etc. All we get is a login screen.
Is the mod fully enabled on CRR at the moment?

Also, our account seems to have had its password changed for that forum, can you please PM me with the new password?
No I have disabled so that new members can register. This is how I discovered the issue because someone used our contact us to inform me they could not register.

I change your password all the time for security purposes. Can never be too safe. ;)
PM on its way. :)
Can you try re-upping the Lite files to CRR?

I'm pretty sure this issue is an issue I've fixed before, where it would find no available registration instances.
This issue is actually not caused by AdvReg - I get the same error when AdvReg is disabled.

I will post back once I have found the culprit :)
Update: It was the Bot Blocker mod, I have disabled the offending plugin running on register_addmember_process :)

However, the issue posted in your other thread is still prevalent, I will post back when I have fixed it :)
Update: I have now successfully registered an account (Fillip H.) with the mod enabled and it works fine :)
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Legacy Advanced Registration

vBulletin 4.x.x
DragonByte Technologies
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