Question Copyright overlapping skin.

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On one of my skins the Copyright is overlapping the skin. See screenshot please:


Not sure how to prevent it from doing it. It also only happens on smaller screen resolutions.

The skin needs to properly set the container for a page within the boundaries of the images. Unfortunately I cannot tell you the specific code to fix this :(
I asked about that already. but it seems like after about 16 products in one line it is gonna break any skin. Is it not possible to split it into 2 lines maybe? Because now it will just keep adding your products into 1 line.
Not true, if you look at the footer on here, it reaches the end of the container then splits off into a second line. And as you said it is on one of your skins.
Sorry you are right. But really, after I buy some more of your great products, how will my footer look? I already even have your banner in there. I am not understanding why you have to have a link for every little singe product in there. I really thinks you guys should review this.
I would imagine your footer would look like the one on here, as all DBT products are in the footer here. As far as the rest of your statement, Cosmic would be the one to answer that. ;)
They're there to let people know what features/abilities your site has were provided by DBTech, and how to find them if they would like more info or to purchase them for themselves.

Best bet is to contact your skin creator and ask him to set a container for the page, which they should have done already.

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Legacy Copyright Management

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