Question Exact Instructions for transferring to vbarcade from IbProarcade?

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I LOVE vbarcade, and I need to put it on one more forum, this one has ibproarcade installed.

with over 1000 games and 5 years worth of high scores on a semi active arcade I am very nervous about doing this and losing the scores.

I have been searching through threads on here and vb org looking for exact instructions on how to transfer.

So far I see that you say to import, so instead of doing a browse for my arcade games like on a fresh install, will there be a specific window that will tell me or detect from ibproarcade?

Also what I have read is that once I import, I need to disable ibproarcade as only one arcade is active at a time. Or do I disable it first before importing?

Also I assume I will need to remove the code from the config file that ibpro has you put in for security token.

If you have a thread with exact instructions some where that would be great too! Thanks!
You would disable ibPro after importing.

To be honest I'm not aware of any other instructions, so I would strongly recommend you create a clone of your forum and test the upgrade that way, so that you're not potentially breaking the live forum until everything is done :)
You would disable ibPro after importing.

To be honest I'm not aware of any other instructions, so I would strongly recommend you create a clone of your forum and test the upgrade that way, so that you're not potentially breaking the live forum until everything is done :)

Okay, installed ibproarcade, played a few games for scoring.

Installed vbarcade, went smoothly.

Even once I got to the importing section, the option for ibproarcade was there, perfect.


I imported them, disabled ibproarcade and now I am stuck. When I go to arcade.php I get this error:

mySQL query error: SELECT arcade_access, p_require FROM usergroup WHERE usergroupid = 1

mySQL error: Unknown column 'arcade_access' in 'field list'
mySQL error code:
Date: Saturday 13th 2014f September 2014 03:43:06 PM
I tried doing it again, but this time during import I noticed this message, what does it mean exactly?

"Unfortunately, ibProArcade does not mark v3 Arcade games as such if you had imported them as archive files in the past. While they will be fully imported, they may not score correctly until set to use that scoring system."
It means you need to go to vBArcade and manually choose the scoring system for each game. Note that not every game supports local scoring, and it's important to choose the correct source of your games when selecting scoring system in order for it to use the correct API.
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