
New member
Hi, I would like to request an vb events update for vb 4.x but more complete, not only for me because I think there are a lot of users that want it

vB Event Forums - vBulletin.org Forum

These are the features that I request when a user create an event @ calendar:

- Able to attach images
- Able to open a new thread in a predefined subforum automatically if the user want to open it, maybe with a checkbox. In this way people could comment events.
- Incorporate share buttoms, facebook like button and tweeter share button
- Users and guest could say that they go to that event pressing a button (similar to facebook)
- Able to search events at calendar, and search events by field

I think this mod will have success, I will purchase it for sure.

Thanks and sorry for my english
A calendar/events mod is on our to do list - there is no ETA on it as no one is working on it at the moment though.
Just a friendly bump to this one.

Mostly because I thought of another feature just now when people were attempting to organize some events on my website.

A nice feature of this would be something that allowed people to enter their availability, then take that and "group" people up.

As an example:

I run a gaming site and people are wanting to get together and do various things in an MMO.

Right now, they are trying to see who wants to run in what dungeons and when they are available, etc. It would be nice if someone could create a new event, people could sign up for it and put in their own availability. Then, have the mod display in some way those people that are available at the same times so they can attempt to create their group.

Anyway, I know it's not explained well, but I think it's well enough to get the idea across (I hope). =)