
Donors will receive awards, list of donators in a module, some of your software integrates into it.
Payment processors: PayPal, Google Checkout, MoneyBookers, and more.
Donors will receive awards, list of donators in a module, some of your software integrates into it.
Payment processors: PayPal, Google Checkout, MoneyBookers, and more.

Cheers for the suggestion, we'll take it into consideration. In general anything involving payment processors (especially multiple payment processors) is very time consuming though, and the built in subscribe feature generally functions pretty well for donations as is.

It's probably not something that'll be done soon, but it's certainly something i'll pop on the list for consideration by the coders as they look for new projects.
Definitely would like to see this from DBTech. Along with subscription options to go along with donations. I would be using the one from but they seemed to have abandoned all projects, or their forum is extremely slow.
Definitely would like to see this from DBTech. Along with subscription options to go along with donations. I would be using the one from but they seemed to have abandoned all projects, or their forum is extremely slow.

Yes I agree, I would love to be able to use one mod host only for my site :D and lets face it DragonByte as it going on!!!
I used the one from ForumCoding on my vB4 site and it worked well. Support/updates are non-existent for the product however.

A DBT donations mod would rock though, because DBT does things the way they should be done. =)

BTW, make it for xF while you're at it (I haven't mentioned xF in like.... a month. ;) )
I find this a great suggestion.
It'll probably take a lot of time to create such a product...

I currently have the VSa - PayPal Donate mod installed on my test-board, and I like what it currently do.
But I would also want achievements for people who donate. maybe people will start donating when there are achievements to receive for donating...

I also thought of using the one from forumcoding, but:
Definitely would like to see this from DBTech. Along with subscription options to go along with donations. I would be using the one from but they seemed to have abandoned all projects, or their forum is extremely slow.

And while we're talking about donations, like the_guilter also said, would also love to see subscription options available...

And I'm going to go very wide here too... An option to have different donation goals... (speaking for my own forum)
We are a clan, we have a Game-server, we have a Teamspeak-server, & we have a web-server. (All different hosts). The game-server is no problem because only the player-admins have to pay for it (and it is in a clan-pay function of the game-server-provider itself). but Donations for the Teamspeak- & the web-server are going into my paypal account...
So I would like to have 2 donation goals (donation bars).
I'm kind of thinking on the go here, and what I'm currently all thinking about is just to much to post here...
Yes it would be a good idea I think but if you want a real list of payment system let me know :) there is way more
But also it depend of forum depending how you use it, it might be against the TOS of a payment system (Donation)
Yes I would like it if you could have separate donations as well because we have a community, clan and raffles... Would like to see were people can chose to donate to anything they chose and have a statistic where it showed their overall donations and how much they pumped into each donations drive/group....

I would also like the option of showing how much I pump in to the community on a regular bases regardless of the fact I pay directly for the community but would like to have all the money I spend be auto added each month so people can see how much I add regardless of what they donate... I would also like to add expenses to the donations like of what was already spent and maybe give the community the option to add to it...

Basically saying there should be a place in the admincp for the website owner or webmaster to include expenses for the server and people can always feel free to give a little towards what was already spent if they so choose... For instance I recently had to buy RAID battery and it wasn't a planned purchase but I would like to document the purchase as well as show the community what I spent... :) And have it show those expenses as a separate list and show a colored bar mouse over maybe "Nobody gave" or something to make them feel sorry... :p

Maybe even have option to have four micro blocks with tiny font in cms with different donations with bars under them and donation buttons to save room..

Just giving ideas...

As far as a clan that rents separate servers I am sure the idea of making it able to put money in a server they play on the most would be good with a option for a game icon for the cms block or listing on a link page!

Even the idea of donations for a member who is broke who needs a new video card could even be a non financial donation could be someone wants to donate their video card to that person and once the transaction was completed and everyone was sure it was for real the webmaster or admin could close it and the person could get some kind of community achievement for donating to a fellow community member or clan member...

I have a lot of ideas but feel free to join my teamspeak if you want more ideas or better explanation as you know I'll buy it if it comes close to what I am using now!

Thanks! :)

Also would be nice to add the donations of a game as Steam has game codes that you can purchase and send to anyone to redeem!
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Hi there, I'd like to add to this thread.
AWCoding recently took down their back end servers so their donation system no longer works and people can't configure it in admincp.

I would love to see DBtech created a donations system plugin.
I would def buy the pro version.
Also this mod could be very well compatible with vBAwards.
It will be super sweet.
Also whenever someone makes a donation an announcement can be made via shoutbox automatically.

One thing I'd like to see is an automatic PM update monthly for players that donated and that they haven't donated in a month.
Also an automatic PM to the website admin whenever a donation is made would be very useful.

The pro version should have make it compatible with vB Credits II.
Good call IceWolf, an I hope they decide to put this mod out..

Yep, with AWJunkies mod out of business and only one plugin out there for donations out which hasn't been updated in ages...I think DBTech will be very famous if they decide to create it.
I've spend $60 on the AWJunkies and then another $25 for branding free and then another $20 yearly for updates... unfortunately he hasn't released an update in 2 years and now he shut down the software backend.
Not much competition at all there for a donation plugin.
I would definitely buy the pro version if it offered the above features as long as the price is reasonable of course.

BTW at the Dbtech staff, has your plan changed about this plugin or still in the drawing board?
Yep, with AWJunkies mod out of business and only one plugin out there for donations out which hasn't been updated in ages...I think DBTech will be very famous if they decide to create it.
I've spend $60 on the AWJunkies and then another $25 for branding free and then another $20 yearly for updates... unfortunately he hasn't released an update in 2 years and now he shut down the software backend.
Not much competition at all there for a donation plugin.
I would definitely buy the pro version if it offered the above features as long as the price is reasonable of course.

BTW at the Dbtech staff, has your plan changed about this plugin or still in the drawing board?

Still there on the to-do list =)